A/N- Vent (if you dont want to read then go on and read something else)

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Someone shoot me it's like 3:06 AM and I'm planning on staying up all night because ya know. I like dem dark circles! So if I die, from my mom telling me to get some sleep and being like "BiTcH yOu NeEd SuM SlEeP oR i WiLl FuCkInG dEsTrOy YoUr BlOoD lIne BITCH!", I would like to thank everyone for all that they have done and for reading my books but I will most likely die before I finish anything like this book or anything else because I always think of stupid shit in da shower and is like "I NEED TO MAKE THIS INTO A STORY OR SHORT STORY BITCH!" okay I'm really sorry for me saying bitch alot and I just need someone to talk to so if u guys wanna help me or just text me my discord is:
(Ham4Ham) #5380

and I is to depressed to even wake up or get out of bed.....Okay now I sound like someone that is wanting attention but I feel like I'm dying and I have no friends. I want to tell then how I feel sometimes but I get to scared to tell them. 😔💔💔 I just want to die but when I tell my parents something they get all mad at me....Like when I said I was wanting to die they were saying stuff like 'What makes you want to die?' and I don't even have time to speak bc they tell me to stop crying and wont let me catch my breath. Another reason is when I told my mom I was Bi she said that she couldn't believe it and I felt like I was just a thing in a house that no one wants and when I told her I wanted to be a boy other than a girl and she was saying stuff like 'You were a girl for a reason and you should be a girl.' I just want to die so badly and like no one wants me around anymore because I have always been thinking that I was annoying to people especually my friends and that they always talk about me behind my back.......So yeah........I want to die soon

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