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Madison's POV.

"What." I say plainly though the phone.

"I'm sorry just.. come here." he begs hanging up.

"Okay." I say wiping the tears streaming down my face.

"Niall lets go." I say


"No but's. Daisy needs us, she needs me." I say grabbing my jacket.

"Madi, don't you think your overreacting?" He asks as I grab the car keys. "No, Niall I'm not. What if it was Harry? or me?" I ask him.

"I'd die." He says following me out to the car. "Good, you understand."

We drive to the hosptital and I walk to the front lady at the desk. "Friend of Daisy?" She asks. "Why do you ask?" I look at her.

"Your other friend is in there." She says. "Thanks, what room?" I ask  Wait, I know who you are. Your Niall Horan from One Direction!" She basically screams.  "My daughter loves you guys.

"Thanks." He says in between his teeth.

I could feel some fangirls are gonna surround us. "Oh my gawd! I hear some girl squeal. "Your- N-iall Horaannn!" She squeals even louder. "Let's go." I tug on Niall's shirt.  "What room?" He asks

"Room 235C."

 "Thank you!" I say realived. We head to the elevator. We hurry up and knock on the room door. "Madi! Niall!" He screams. "Harry is gonna kill me." I mumble.

"Hi, blonde girl." She laughs. "Oh god." I gulp.

Harry rushes in after a few minutes of Liam explaining.

"Madison... " Harry looks at me sternly. "What?" I ask. "This is all your fault! That should be you in the bed with no memory! That should be you suffering!" He yells pinning me to the wall. "Harry, leave her alone." Liam says. "It's all her fault!" He yells.

"So, trying to break her down isn't going to help." Niall jumps in.

"Harry, I'm so sorry." I say to him. "No Madi, meet me at my house, maybe I might forgive you for taking anyway my foster sister's memory."

Notes: Hai.. Im on a update spree! Thanks so much. I wanna dedicate this chapter to Ellie-Farias. Thanks so much girl!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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