Chapter One: The Mission

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The view out of the plane's window is breathtaking.  I loving being on private planes!  The clouds create a flat surface on the Earth's hemisphere.  I'm greeted by the morning sky as the sun slowly rises.  Breaking my gaze I face the young man sitting across from me.  Oh my dear brother Ryan.  Well, he's not really my brother but he's the closest thing I've had to one.  He's dressed in a navy blue suit with a white dress shirt underneath.  The sunlight from his window causes his olive skin to shimmer a golden color.  His light brown hair holds loose curls and is also faded on the sides.  His green eyes catch mine and a smirk appears across his lips.  

"Just can get enough of me."  He mocks.  He flashes a smile exposing the glorious gap between his white teeth.  "I know I'm gorgeous, but you don't have to stare."  

Rolling my eyes I fire back, "Not with that grand canyon between your teeth."  A deep chuckle escapes from his mouth.  Oh, I love Ryan as a brother.  It's so fun to mess with him.  Ryan and his father have always treated me as their blood relative.  He looks similar to his father except "dad" is paler.  I love the word "dad." 


I remember two years after I arrive on their doorstep, I was sitting in my room.  Dr. West (at the time was his name) enter with a cupcake and Ryan followed behind.  Ryan was two years older than me.

"Happy Birthday Naomi!"  They shouted.  Jumping on my feet I attacked them both with a hug as the sang Happy Birthday. 

"You remembered!"  

"How could we forget the birthday girl!  Oh my goodness your seven now!"  Dr. West stated and I laughed with joy.  For a brief moment, I remembered my mother.  My real mother.  The tragic memory of her and my family came.  My vision became blurry and I could feel the moisture in my eyes as I tried to discard the memory.  

"Why are you crying?"  Ryan questioned.  His green eyes were full of concern.  His thumbs brushed my hazelnut cheeks to wipe away the stream of tears.    

"My family...I wish they were here to celebrate with me."  I didn't want to cry in from of them.  They brought me this beautiful cupcake and I was ruining the moment.  The thunder from outside caused me to jump.  Dr. West turned his attention to my window.  

"When did it start raining?"  He questioned.  Oh no!  What have I done?  The tears came pouring down.

"Hey."  Dr. West's stern tone caused me to focus on him.  "We may not have the same blood, but your family to us.  Now, we never want to replace your real family, but just know that we're here if you ever need anything."  I cast my eyes to the floor while slowly nodding.  I felt Dr. West's arms wrap around me in a welcoming hug.  I wrapped my arms around him as well.  I felt Ryan join our hug too.  

"Thank you, Dr. West."  

"You call me dad."  I broke away from our group hug to glance up at him.  His green eyes were full of sincerity.  Was he serious?  I was overwhelmed with shock.

"Really?"  I stammered.

"Yeah,"  Ryan added.  "And you can think of me as your big brother."  My cheekbones started to hurt from smiling.  Dr. Ryan...I mean dad, handed me my cupcake.  

"Happy birthday Naomi."  He stated smiling at me.  


  Although we all work in the Undetected West Organization (U.W.) together they've always treated me like family.  I have to admit Ryan did clean up nicely for this mission, but wait till I get my costume on!  Ohhh!  I can't wait!  

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