Its Over!(Chapter 17)

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Moon's POV

Finally, everything was over. That was it, right? She glanced over at Kinkajou, who was walking besides Turtle, tail in tail. Who knew that the little RainWing was going to be the one to stop the all mighty Darkstalker?

Then, Moon looked at Turtle. He looked the same as ever, but happy, caring and loved. He had found the light of his life. Kinkajou made him feel wanted and special, and Moon was happy for him.

Moon glanced over at Qibli. He still hadn't found his special someone yet, but Moon was sure he'd find one soon. She knew he liked her before, he was pretty obvious, but she was sure he got over it already.

Finally, Moon looked back at Winter. In other dragon's eyes, they'd see a stuck-up, mean, grouchy IceWing who hated everyone. But in Moon's eyes, she saw a warm hearted, kind, handsome IceWing. She saw, well, Winter. She saw her Winter.

Moon smiled. "Your smiling a lot lately." Winter said, glancing at Moon. The NightWing shook her head. "Why wouldn't I be? I'm happy!!" She said.

Winter chuckled. The group reached one of the cells, which contained one of the Dragonets of Destiny, Tsunami, and another SeaWing.

Moon remembered this SeaWing. They helped her Winglet find Hailstorm. Riptide-She thought his name was. The two SeaWings looked up.

"I think the next part is you freeing us, and then we get the others, and then we all go beat up Darkstalker." Tsunami said.

"Darkstalker's gone. We defeated him." Turtle explained. Winter blasted frost breath and the door, Qibli shooting fire a short whirl later, and the door collapsed.

Tsunami and Riptide rushed out and the seven dragons marched down to the next one: Peril and Clay's cell. "Tsunami!" Clay cried as he saw the SeaWing princess.

Again, Winter and Qibli knocked down the door and the MudWing and SkyWing walked out. Next, the group went over to Starflight and Fatespeaker's cell. The two NightWings happily joined the group as they walked over to the next cell.

This one, held Sunny, who didn't have another dragon with her. "Lonely in there?" Clay asked as Sunny skipped out of her cell. The little SandWing went on a rant about how lonely it was.

Finally, the group got into Glory and Deathbringer's cell. As the door collapsed yet again, Moon noticed that the RainWing Queen was curled up asleep in the warmth and safety of Deathbringer's wing. Her bodyguard was awake and tried to nudge Glory awake.

Tsunami, of course, was the one to wake her up by yelling, "HEY THIS ISN'T THE BEST TIME TO BE ASLEEP IN EACH OTHER'S ARMS!!!!!"

Glory's eyes shot open and she almost jumped up. She glared at the SeaWing, who was laughing her head off. Soon, the DOD and Jade Winglet freed everyone captured by Darkstalker.

"It feels nice, away from the small boxes of stone and out here, in the sunlight again." Winter said as their friends flew back to Jade Mountain.

He turned towards Moon. "And it feels even better with you here." He said and kissed her. Moon giggled as they broke apart.

"We still have three years left of Jade Mountain." She said. "That means another three years for you of being around other dragons."

Winter fake gasped. "That is so undignified!" He exclaimed. Moon laughed. "But that also means three more years with my best friends." Winter said.

"Oh, so we're your friends now?"

"Best friends."

The two laughed and spread their wings and flew back to Jade Mountain together.

Together. Forever.

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