The Mansion

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Previously on Winter Nights

"I see...your bored, then lets play." I get up and grab his hand. "We are going to get rid of your boredom." Its payback time. This time, he will stop waking me up early in the morning hitting me in the arm. This is going to be fun, hysterical even. When we get outside I throw him on the ground and hit his arm. All I hear is Jim telling me to stop. This is more fun than I thought. But then unexpectedly he pulls my hair...I guess he gets an advantage since it goes to my shoulders.

I push him off and run towards the forest. He runs after me and I laugh, I am way faster than he is. When I am surrounded by trees I stop for a second and sit by a tree. All I hear is footsteps running past the tree that i'm sitting behind. I stifle my chuckle and I am finally out of breath. I sigh and close my eyes. It's been 5 whole years. Wow, it felt like a couple of months. When I open my eyes Jim is sitting in front of me looking at me with devious grin. He then reaches up to my arm and punches it this time.

He gets up and runs fast. When I get up and run after him, it only took a couple of seconds to catch to him. By then, I was behind Jim. I took a hold of his suspenders for a second, but then a bag was put over my head and my hand was pushed behind my back. I heard Jim scream for me, then there was a pull at my hand. There was a pull on my other hand, I was being pushed back-and-forth between Jim and the mysterious person. It started to hurt, but then all of a sudden Jim let go of my hand, it slipped out. Then I heard someone fall, I was starting to freak out.

I was being pulled and Jim was being dragged, we were put into a carriage, the person took off my bag and shut the door. I saw Jim passed out in front me with blood dripping from his nose. Tears were urging to come out my eyes. But I sniffed them out. I have to figure out where we are, and where we are going. But once again, i'm kind of scared to find out.

Continuing on Winter Nights

The carriage stops a few minutes later. The door opens and reveals a muscular man with dark shades and fancy clothing. He pushes me out onto the ground, and carries Jim since he was still unconscious. We were put on a big wooden crate, with about 20 boys on it. He put me and Jim on the crate. The crate started moving, and as soon as it did, Jim jolted awake. He look around curiously and was confused. "I don't know what happened either" He looks at me suprisingly. I think I would be suprised to. He was unconscious for about 45 minutes and he doesn't have any memory of what happened.

Everyone on here looks scared, and innocent. I don't know whats happening, or why we are here. But we will find a way out of here. The crate stops, we were in front of a mansion. Suddenly one by one, the boys get off and get in a straight line. So me and Jim started to follow them. When we went inside people led us to a door heading downstairs. We started going downstairs and heading to beds. Me and Jim headed to beds in the far corner so we can't be seen.

When the door closes, people started hyperventilating, crying, and freaking out. I turned to look at Jim and he was looking around with anger in his eyes. "You shouldn't be here, its dangerous." He then turns to look at me with worry in his eyes. I don't know whats going to happen, or why he is saying I shouldn't be here. But I think, I should be the one to know, since i'm the only one who doesn't know.

The door opens again, but this time an old man is shown. "Go to sleep, you, my toys are waking up early." He turns the lights off and leaves. Toys..we are his toys. What does he mean by that? Soon after, people hurrily runs to their beds and goes to sleep. When I turn to Jim hes already asleep. Wow, he sure does go to sleep fast. Since im not sleepy, I might as well explore. So I get up from bed and walk upstairs towards the door. As soon as I open the door a bright light shines in.

I walk to a staircase, and find a door. There was people in there..I can hear it. I put my ear to the door and hear..sounds. I don't know what it is. I open the door slightly and see the old man again, but this time hes not alone. Theres a young boy in there as well. I quickly close the door, then I run back to the door with tears in my eyes. I walk downstairs and go to my bed to see Jim sitting on it and stare at me. "What were you thinking, we aren't supposed to go up there without permission." When he finishes talking I run to him and hug him.

"Please don't leave me, don't go up there without me." I start crying a waterfall and hugging him tightly. He tells me to be quiet and go to bed. So he gets up and walks back to his bed. I lay down closing my eyes tight. I don't want to be here. I turn to my side and close my eyes. Why does this have to be so hard. Why did this have to happen. I don't like this at all.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you."

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