Frances's Past

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"One,two,,two,three..o-" He was interrupted by the sound of a little girl. "Daddy...I don't wanna dance anymore, my feet hurt.." The man rolled his eyes and bowed.

They heard hurried footsteps coming their way. The door opened and a woman headed towards them. "Phantom..hive" She gasped in between breaths. "Mummy..daddy whats going on.." tears were forming in her eyes.

"Don't worry Frances honey..everything will be alright.." her dad said in a trusting voice. They took her hand and ran outside the house. While running towards the carriage they all saw a huge fire. Their eyes widen in fear. "Phantomhive Manor..and hurry" the sound of whipping was heard. The carriage moved very fast. "Be near us ok Frances?" She nodded her head and fixed her gloves.

They arrive at the Phantomhive Manor with eyes full of fear. Fire is everywhere. The family ran out the carriage and in front of the house. Frances looked at her parents and back at the house. She closed her eyes from the excessive heat on her face.

Frances looks to the side of the house and see a small opening. She walks to the opening and goes inside the house. While avoiding the burning hot fire, she hears the cries of a boy. Frances follows the voice and sees a blue haired boy with burns on his body.

"Hello?" she walked over to him and grabbed a hold of his hand. "We need to get out of here.." there was a sudden crack in the ceiling. They ran all the way to the door. "We have to..get out.." she looked up at the ceiling and pushed the boy out of the way.

The ceiling fell.

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