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"Hey you've reached Aaron and Katie. We aren't home right now but leave us a message and we will get back to you! Thanks!”

“Katie, this is your mother. You didn't call last night and missed lunch with us today. I am getting very worried. Please call us back OK?”

I listen to the message and look to my wife's face, eyes glazed over and lips contorted. Her fingers fall limply from their grasp on my arm. My hands continue to shake even after I let go of her neck and she drops to the floor. Rage still burns through my veins while my heart continues to break.

You're probably wondering what happened or why I find myself in the situation that I'm in. You also may already think that I'm a terrible person. Before you jump to any definite conclusions let me tell you the whole story of how I got here. 

Katie and I met in our early 20's and she says it was love at first sight. She said she noticed me before I noticed her. We hung out after work one night and that night turned into a relationship that lasted 8 years. She entered my bed and never left it. We seldom left each other's side. We lived together right away, always hung out together, and we even worked together at a few jobs over the years.

We had a wonderful five years or so until we started to try to have children. That's when her depression started. She would withdraw and go quiet. Her silence was like ice too cold for me to touch.

I couldn't understand why things couldn't still be happy with just us. I know how badly she wanted to be a mother but we still had each other. We had a connection we dreamt about for most of our young lives that some people never find. We started out with just the two of us and were happy. We could still be happy just the two of us.

After about two years I made an appointment with a fertility clinic. We both needed to be checked to see what the hold up was. They were able to find that her Fallopian tubes were ravaged with cysts. They had to be removed. Right along with any hope or chance we had of having our own biological child.

Honestly as terrible as it sounds to say, I am glad we went. Not because of the result but because they were able to find a problem that Katie had and fix it.

I tried to be there for her, tried to sympathize and help her cope. The upcoming winter season didn't seem to be helping either. We tried marriage counseling and individual therapy for her.

I even spoke to a few adoption lawyers to ask about the process to give us options. It's not what we.... she had planned but I always support her and her dreams. If she wanted a baby and I couldn't give it to her then this was the next best option to me.

She wouldn't hear of it of course. Adoption was like a dirty word to her, she actually cringed when I first said it to her. She couldn't handle the idea of raising someone that she didn't nurture and grow in her womb. Forget about saving another child's quality of life, she was too narcissistic for that.

“I'll only be a disappointment to them Aaron. If I don't feel that connection they will sense it and that's not fair to them. You raise a child for the majority of it's life and that's just fine. However when they get to a certain age they want to know all about their birth parents. They want to know everything about them. You have no idea how many birth parents pop up 'wanting to know their kids' and wouldn't you know, it always seems to happen after they turn 18.” She would say.

No matter how I went about it it always ended in tears, nights on the couch and the silence of a frostbitten atmosphere. She seemed to have started to come around after about a couple of months. I came home and found her listening to music and swirling around the kitchen tiles in her socks.

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