KMH character info

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Name: Aether Amaturu.
Age: nearly 13.
Gender: Male.
Eye colour: Green, but wears purple coloured-contacts.
Personality: Kind, adorable and forgetful.
Powers: Can transform into a Nine-Tailed Foxwolf.
Likes: Chocolate, cake, chocolate cake, Zonid, red lasers, cats and bells.
Dislikes: White chocolate, brownies, White chocolate cake, clowns, noise and anger issues.
Other: The colour of his fur is black and purple, like his hair.

Name: Zonid Triluka.
Age: 12 and a half.
Gender: Unknown.
Eye colour: Blue.
Personality: Clumsy, kinda tsundere, and Short-tempered.
Powers: Can use spells with their wand like The Seers Eye and Volcanic Blast.
Likes: Magic, lecturing people about Magic, actually correctly using magic and potions.
Dislikes: People telling them to shut up, spells going wrong, their allergy to the colour Prussian Blue and people calling them a her.
Other: One time she said a spell accidentally and burned Viko.

Name: Cile Cooler
Age: 13
Gender: Zombie girl.
Eye colour: Lime.
Personality: Cheeky, sinister and ship fanatic.
Powers: Half ice - Half water.
Likes: Dahlia, ships, Dahlia, ships, Popsicles, stealing inventions, Dahlia and more ships.
Dislikes: Aurie being the grown-up of a situation, global warming, duck season and failing to get Viko to at least kiss Deshna or Aether.
Other: When her mind goes blank she accidentally freezes her hands and it takes 3 hours to thaw.

Name: Aurie Colourrain.
Age: 13.
Gender: Mature girl.
Personality: Mature, unimpressed and bored.
Powers: Rainbow Aura/Life force manipulation.
Likes: Nothing except Cile.
Dislikes: Everything except Cile.
Other: That's it. She literally is that boring.

Okay, if you would like me to do a part 2 with all my characters, including the Kristal Krew, just comment saying yeah do that!

Oka, Boi!

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