Chapter 4

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(Harry's Pov) 

'And walk...pose...change...pose!' Our photographer ordered as the five of us switched from one position to another. 'Niall focus and stop drooling over your boyfriend.' 

'I can't help it! He is sexy and shirtless!' He argued with a small blush forming on his cheeks. 

'Not as sexy as you.' Liam responded, causing his lover to blush even more. Niall is so adorable and everyone knows it but him. 

'Why is he shirtless anyway this is a winter shoot. You are just teasing me.' 

'Enough of the flirting boys and get back to modelling.' Dave, the photographer sighed, constantly switching settings on the camera to find the best one. 'Now I want you all to give me a natural pose.' All of us looked at one another with a knowing smirk before splatting ourselves out like a star fish against the back screen. Basically the most unnatural pose.

'How's this?' Louis asked and I bit my lip, trying not to laugh.

'I give up. Take a break boys.' Dave stated, standing up striaght and rubbing his eyes, exhausted from our antics. Ever since Zayn, Liam and Niall started modelling with us we have be a lot more unprofessional at times. We joke around more and have fun but at the same time we take our jobs seriously when needed to be. 

We annoy all of our co-workers though.

They love us really.

'So Hazza what are we going to do on this break of ours.' Louis asked, moving closer to me and wrapping his arms around my waist. I knew what he was thinking. I always know when he has this particular look on his face.

'I could think of many things we could do.' I said, touching his nose with my own whilst my hands trailed down his back. Usually he would squirm a little due to how ticklish he is but the bulky winter clothes from the shoot was stopping that.

'And what would that be.' He teased knowingly. Unfortunately just as I was about to reply, a loud rumbling sound came from my belly, quickly followed by another rumbling sound coming from Lou's.

'I guess you won't find out to later because right now we have to take care of something else.' I sighed, moving my head back a bit in disappointment.

'Stupid tummy making the rumblies at the wrong time.' Lou pouted, poking his stomach through his clothes. 

'Come on lets go get changed and then get some food.' As I pulled Lou towards the dressing room we spotted Zayn talking on the phone to someone with a sad expression etched across his face. I paused a moment to watch him, wishing he would open up to us but the second he saw us staring he turned and walked away, probably finding somewhere more private.

'Why does he keep things locked up?' I questioned.

'I keep telling him to tell you but he is scared. You will understand soon though. Hopefully.' Lou replied and then tugged my hand a little, motioning for me to follow him. 

As we were changing, Lou and I discussed the plan to drive up to Doncaster at the weekend to visit his family. I am just so scared of them turning him away still though and Lou feeling worse after. Somehow I will eventually make them see sense though. At least I hope I can.

'Whoa, whoa whoa!' Jess' voice shouted from across the studio and Lou and I turned to look at the girl with a confused expression. 

'Jess?' We chorused.

'You guys did not tell me you were models! Why didn't you tell me you were models?' She cried and clearly loud enough to attract the other three towards her as well. 'You three as well! How did I not know this?'

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