jahseh pov
"isomg its drake!" somebody yelled. everybody began screaming, and some even started doing backflips and screaming while they did the backflips.
"guess whos back? back again? drake is bac, tell a friend." drake says, squinting his eyes and doing the light skin face.
"isnt that an eminem ly-"
"omg hes freestyling😱." one of the kids yelled, which made every body start clapping.
"did he just say '😱'?" jared's asks.
"shut up fat ass drake is here." stokeley said. the whole group of friends ran over to drake, knoocking people out if they had to to get to him.jarad frowned because his feelings were hurt and he began to cut himself.
"i came here for xxxtentacion." drake says. everybody looked at jahseh and made faces like these 😦😧😯😵😠😛😁🤭.
"am i the only one who thinks its weird that drake is at our school." jared's interupted. stokeley turned around and knocked him out. jared's hit his head on the ground and died. the whole school sang in the arms of an angle for him.
"i- i - i- i- i- i- i- i- im x- x- x- x- x- xxxtentacion." i say. drake looked down at me from his 7'3 frame.
"good. i need you to come with me to california and we're gonna record a song. you can bring two of your friends."
my friends began to fight over who was comingg. i sheugged and did eenie meenie minie moe. i chose stokeley jared's's dead body and my crush credentials.
this is gonna be crazy 😱
twenty vots and ten comments for next chapter