Chapter 1

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"What are we going to do with Jason?" Jessica asked as she paced across the room. 

"I don't know. Who would want a nephilim child?" asked Cal while throwing his hands in the air. He then walks into a nursery and looks at baby Jason asleep in cradle. "One day, son, you will be strong and will have an inescapable decision" says Cal as he kisses the baby's forehead.

As Jason grows, his parents became more anxious of the day that will change everything. Cal and Jessica have been having many arguments about Cal and his drinking problems and what they were going to do when the fateful day came.

A few years later, Cal picks up Jason from daycare just before night fa;; and asks "how was daycare son?"

"It was great dad! I had so much fun today," said Jason as Cal puts him in the car seat and drives to a house sitting on the outskirts of mount waffles.

"Jessica, here comes Jason," calls Cal as he takes Jason out of the car seat and sits him on the ground as Jessica walks out of the house. When Jason saw his mother, he ran to her and hugged her. "Jason, son there is something your mom and I need to talk to you about," said Cal as they walk into the house, "Son, you're going to be a big brother."

"Really dad, you mean it?" said Jason. His excitement of having a sibling didn't last long once he realized that his parents were going to give more attention to the baby more than him.

"Yes son," says Jessica as she tucks Jason into bed.

Once Jason was fast asleep, Cal asks Jessica if she thinks this child will be a cross-breed like Jason. "There is no way to know for certain until the baby is born. No matter what the baby turns out to be, we must protect it no matter the costs," Jessica says with complete certainty as they walk into the living room. "There will be people who will try to take Jason away from us when they figure out what he really is" says Jessica as Cal fixes himself a drink.  Jessica looks at Cal worried that his drinking will take a hold of him.

A few days later, Cal gets a call from Jason's daycare and was informed that he tried to choke a kid to death for stealing his crayons and that he needed to come get Jason right away. Cal grabs the car keys and leaves the house in a hurry.

 After Cal picks up Jason, he asks, "Jason, what happened this time? This is the third daycare in the past month."

Jason looked down and replies, "But dad, the kid took my favorite crayon and wouldn't give it back. I wasn't really going to kill him. I just wanted to teach him a lesson..."

"Son, you aren't like other kids by no means so you have to watch your strength. You can't let your anger control your actions. That will not end like you would want it to."

Jason looks down and said quietly, "yes daddy." When they got home, Jessica was standing outside the door and she wasn't very happy.

"Why is he already home from daycare?"Cal explains what happened and Jessica sent Jason to his room to play. "Cal, this isn't normal. I mean, he's been kicked out of three daycares in a month. Where is all of this bad behavior coming from?"

Cal replies, "He isn't a normal child. How can he act like a normal child when he's part demon? Don't you remember when we met as teenagers I used to get kicked out of schools all the time."

Jessica replies angered by the situation, "I just want a normal life for our kids" as Cal walks over to the bar and fix a drink.

He sighs loudly then states "You know we can never have a normal life, you are an angel and I am a demon.  We will never have a normal life and neither will our kids." As Jessica storms off, Cal fixes another drink and sits in a chair. "What am I going to do," he says out loud.

As the days rolled on, Jason was getting bigger and more aggressive. He wasn't accepted into any daycares around because he'd been kicked out of them all. So as a final resort, Cal and Jessica summon a demon babysitter to take care of him. A demon appeared and said, "Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Satan, how may I be a service?"

Cal replies "we need a babysitter for our little sweetheart, Jason."

The demon replies "of source, it's my specialty to take care of demon children, and I can start tomorrow."

The next morning, Jason wakes to find a young lady sitting in a chair in the dining room. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house" Jason asks as he walks into the dining room.

I am Mrs. Brittany; I'll be taking care of you for a while."

Jason replies "why should I listen to you, you not my mother or father?" as he gets up to go to another room.

Ms. Brittany snaps her fingers and Jason flies into a chair "because I am your babysitter and you will learn to respect me."

Jason replies with an evil grin "what are you, how did you do that, how can I learn?" Brittany slowly grins and pulls out a black book out of a bag and hands it to Jason

"This should help," she says. Jason curiously looks at it and runs to his room as Cal walks in.

"Jason, where you at son?" yells Cal.

Jason comes running to Cal "yes father" replies Jason. "How was your day with your new babysitter" asked Cal. "Amazing father had a blast with her" said Jason running as he walked into his room to the black book and begins reading.

Cal gets a phone call from Jessica saying the baby was coming. Cal gets Jason into the car and heads to the midwife's house where she has been staying the past few nights. Upon arrival, he noticed that there was something different about this child. He knew this child would do great things, but he hoped that what he felt was true.

After a few hours, the midwife calls Cal into the room where Jessica and the baby were. He looks at his newborn daughter and Cal knew deep down she was full of good, unlike her father. "Those eyes, they have the same deep red as Jason. She is just beautiful."

"Yes she is. Her name is Lucifer, Lucy for short." says Jessica. Jason walks in and sees the little Lucy. Something very dark happened to Jason that night. He became full of hatred towards the baby but he promised himself he would protect her with his life.

Months went by as Lucy got bigger and Jason learned more from Brittany. He had started acting more hostile and more devious. He began catching things on fire, sacrificing small animals, and getting into more fights. Cal and Jessica's relationship started to rip apart as Cal starts drinking more and Jessica slowly getting tired of dealing with the demonic problems that Jason has been taking part in.

"Jessica, take care of the baby. She is crying again." yelled Cal as he pours a drink. Jason walks into the kitchen and says "mom is packing her bags". Cal drops the drink, and at the sound of shattering glass, he runs into the bedroom. He asks, "Jessica, why are you leaving? I know things are hard but what happened to protecting them no matter the cost?" Jessica looks at him with tears in her eyes. Cal could tell she couldn't handle the stress that Jason had been bringing with his hostility and a new baby. Jessica rushes out the door while crying silently, leaving Cal with a baby he didn't know how to care for and Jason, a wild child. Cal whispers to himself, "What am I going to do".

When Lucy turned five years old, she got her child wings in. Cal knew then that she was an angel. To avoid anyone from knowing the truth about Lucy, he did the hardest thing he could have done: he ripped her wings off. Soon after that, he erased her memory of that. He also put an enchantment on the wounds so that the scars wouldn't show until it was almost time for her adult wings to come in which wouldn't be for another thirteen years. Cal put a preserving spell on them and placed them in a box that was hidden in the wall of his room.

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