Chapter 2

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Year pass as Cal raises Jason and little Lucy, who is now a toddler in preschool' and Jason has been kicked out of eight different schools and now goes to a school in hell for demon children. Cal hasn't heard a word from Jessica, but knows that she probably went to heaven like the other backstabbing angels. Drinking has taken a strong hold on Cal; he has tried to stop, but the need to drink is just too strong.

Cal pulls up to preschool to get Lucy as a preschool teacher runs out screaming devil child. Cal already knowing its Lucy walks inside to frightened children and a child passed out on the floor. Another teacher walks up to Cal and says, "Lucy is no longer welcome here. She got upset because another child took her favorite spot for nap time and now the child hasn't woken up since then. That was 2 hours ago." Cal sighs then says, "I'm really sorry about that." He picks Lucy up and takes her outside and puts her in the car. Cal says to Lucy after getting in the car, "You can't do that. You aren't like other kids. You must be careful." Cal drives home to find Jason sitting on the doorstep of their house. "Jason, why are you home, you should be at school" says Cal as he walks to his son. "They sent me home because back started to bleed" says Jason as Cal walks to him. He sees the blood and cuts on Jason back. Cal immediately summons Brittany, the demon. Brittany appears "yes Mr. Satan, How may I serve u?" as Cal picks up Jason and carries him to his room "Jason is getting his wings I need you to watch Lucy for a bit" Cal replies. "Of course master" replies the demon as she gets Lucy out of the car and takes her to her room to play. Cal paces Jason's room as he watches his son shake and scream knowing his worse fear is about to be realize. What color wings will he have?

Hours pass had Cal waits for Jason's wings to rip through the skin; he thinks to himself "what's taking them so long". Suddenly one finally scream as he watches Jason's back rip open and a black and white wing pops out, "no, it can't be" Cal's worse fear has came true. Jason has a white and black wing; the sign of the prophecy has come true. Cal quickly covers Jason up and takes him to mount waffles to a cave only known by the Satan family. Cal lays him on a bed and walks back the house to get Lucy and pack a few things and notices a book under Jason's bed, whispers to him "the ancient script".

Cal packs everything up and brings it to the cave. "Guess this is our new home kids" as he walks into the living room where Lucy was playing and Jason sat on the floor looking at his wings.

  Lucy looks at Cal and mumbles "demon" and points to door. "Good job Lucy that's a new word" as he turns to look what she pointing out and sees a dark figure pointing at Jason. "Chosen one, there is a price on his head" says the figure as he pulls a knife out. "Jason, grab your sister and go to your room now!" yells Cal as he rips his shirt off and his wings go whole span and pulls out sword. Cal yells "nobody hurts my kids" as he runs at the dark figure and watches as the figure jumps over him and runs for the bedroom. Cal turns and runs for the room to find the dark figure lying on the ground bloody and Jason standing there with a dagger covered in blood. "Jason what happen" asked Cal as he walked in the bedroom. Jason replies "I don't know, he charged in and tried to kill me so I stabbed him and kept stabbing him" as he drops the knife and looks at it hands. Cal slowly eases to Jason and goes to touch him but he runs out the door "Jason!" yells Cal as Jason disappears.

Lucy looks at Cal and says, "Bubba," and points towards the door. Cal picks her up and holds her tightly. "Don't worry. He'll be back. I hope." He says as he holds her. As he takes Lucy to bed he thinks to himself "where could he possibly go, if the wrong people find him he is finished." he kisses Lucy's forehead "good night my sweet princess". Cal slowly walks out the door into the living room thinking about what all has happened tonight. Cal walks over to the bar and looks at the bottle of whiskey, "maybe one drink won't hurt" as he pours him a drink. As the night goes by he drinks more and more slowly feeling everything disappear.

Weeks go by and Cal still hasn't hurt anything about Jason. He talks to people of the underworld and even heaven looking for his son. Lucy slowly becomes stronger since Cal transferred her to demon school. Cal slowly starts to get swallowed up by drinking and gambling.

"Lucy, come here real quick" called Cal. Lucy walks into the room and looks at her father "yes daddy". Cal hands her a dog whistle and tells her "only blow it if u need help anytime and your dog will come appear". Lucy replies "but I don't have a dog?" Cal walks into the back room and walks back in with a covered cage. "Be careful with this dog he is very special kind of dog Lucy he is a hell hound". Lucy looks at the dog and smiles "I love him" and watches him catch on fire. "Now Lucy he is yours and only will answer to you" smiles Cal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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