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       I've been living in Bloomsburg for about 4 years now. It's a small town. It's been raining here for days. The rain has been flooding our town. The rain was up to our knees and sometimes going as high as our thighs. Plus, it was hard to walk around and get from place to place.

       There are a few cautious warnings. That said, "Caution high water, vehicles and people may get submerged and carried away or drown". Some people even try to risk it and swim in it. The drains that are supposed to be helping, but they're overflowing. Some vehicles that try to escape it, their engine gets flooded out then their vehicle gets carried away in the current.

       People started buying canoes, to go around the town with. But as more and more people bought them, the price started going up. First, it was at $29.95, then the next day it would go up to $45.19, then a few days later it would an outrageous price, like $119.95. Then a week after, yup a has been a full week since the announcement of the canoes. A canoe would range from $2-500 plus - being a good somewhat well put together canoe. Sometimes the max price would dip to $150, but that's rarely. The $1,000 plus ones - for the highest standard and the richest, I guess. I got mine when it was just around $42.00. The very cheap ones would have holes in them, after the first few days. So people would be forced to either buy new (expensive) ones or hitch a ride on someone else's.

I don't really go out now. Since no progress has been made. I was at home when watching comedy and a "we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you..." came up. At the top left of the screen, it showed "if you wanted to go back to your regularly scheduled program then hit 'x'". No way in hell am I going back there, I want to listen to the news for updates!

The Newsman said, the government will start trying to get rid of the water, but only if the citizens of Bloomsburg donate some money. And if nobody donates, then nothing's going to get done. But on the other hand, there is a nonprofit organization called CFSW, which stands for Collect the Free Standing Water. So far, that nonprofit organization has had $84 in donations.

BREAKING NEWS: Someone just leaked information from the nonprofit organization, a private donor will be donating $800, in about 45 minutes. In other news; an SUV is floating away, but the scary part is that a woman was trapped inside the vehicle, and couldn't get out. But then a guy jumped into the rushing water. The guy got up on top of the car and smashed the sunroof in. And he got the woman out in the nick of time. Then they both swam to freedom, in other words, they swam to the pier.


News Correspondent: How did you feel when you were drifting away?

Woman: I was scared, and like well I guess I didn't want to be in the car anymore. A part of me didn't know if I would see my kids and husband again. I was hoping and praying to god that I would survive.

News Correspondent: How did you feel when the guy was about to rescue you?

Woman: My heart was beating, like 'I was going to get saved', but when I looked at the window the water was almost at the top. And I was afraid that the water would come in and put pressure on us, and he wouldn't be able to get me out.

News Correspondent: Okay, well at least your safe now. Next, we're going to the guy that saved her. Why did you jump into the water?

Man: I jumped in to save her because I didn't know how long the paramedics would take to get here. And possibly by the time that they would've arrived it might have been too late, like the SUV would've gone under or it would've drifted away and then the SUV would've gone under.

News Correspondent: Okay, so yes, you did jump into the water to save her. But what made you jump into the water?

Man: Well because again, you don't know when the paramedics would've gotten there. And I guess the second reason is that no one else did anything and they all just stood around.

News Correspondent: Okay, well just remember you did a good thing today; you saved someone's life.

News Correspondent talking to one of the paramedics: What do you think of what just happened?

Paramedic: Well, I would have to say that the man was brave to jump into the water and save the woman's life.

News Correspondent: Do you think that there were any risks in saving her life?

Paramedic: Oh yes, he could have gone into hyperthermia, been rushed away with the current. He could have been unsuccessful in breaking the sunroof. He could have gone under, with the car.


Anchor: Thank you, that was an interesting story. Well, at least the woman's safe. That's it for right now. Now we're just going to be showing you pictures of the flood.

Me: *turning down the volume*
Well, that was interesting, maybe I should donate some money. I had about $860 (not counting the cents). I was thinking about donating $100 so at least I did my part. I looked up online to see what their number was. My internet wasn't that good probably because of the water and almost everyone is on it in town. The only two internet providers are Comlin and merduvow. Merduvow being the more popular one with 75% of customers. Comlin only has about a 25% customer base.

       When I finally got to the website, I looked for the number and called them. Once I got through I gave them my credit card info and hung up. The bad part about where I was living was that, I and a few other houses were close to the worse part of the flooding in town. Granted the whole town was flooded, but not as bad as it was by the bridges.

       I looked out the window I could see people in canoes, the water, and other furniture. There were some waves, but they were caused by all the motion that was in the water. I could see certain people going from door to door probably either asking for payment for the flood or something else about the flood. I don't think they've gone on my side yet, because I haven't gotten anyone at the door.

       The suction around my house and the doors and windows going from outside to inside had decent suction not the best and not the worst, but in was ok.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for the next part.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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