Halloween Party pt. 2

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A/N Hello, fellow fangirls! Do you ship it? You better! Also Flo is there. There is going to be some subtle Locklyle fluff, and a shock of your life! Enjoy! 🖤Abby

Holly had insisted on them all sitting criss-cross in the living room. They all had some dangerous dares planned. (By dangerous I mean like not physical harm.)
"Lockwood, truth or dare?" George asked.
"Dare. I'm no baby."
"I dare you to kiss Luce."
Luce and Lockwood we're both reduced to cherry tomatoes.
Lockwood leaned over, panicked, and kissed her on the cheek.
"Be more specific, George." Lockwood said, still bright red.
"Come on!!" George yelled, frustrated. Lucy and Lockwood laughed.
"Holly, truth or dare?" Lockwood asked.
"Dare. Hit me with the worst you got."
"I dare you to kiss George. On the lips." He smirked, devilishly.
"Come on, that's plain unfair. Truth."
"You can't switch!" Lockwood said.
"I just did."
"Let her switch, Locky." Flo added.
"Fine." Lockwood gave in.
"Do you like anyone?"
"Ugh, that's the most clichè truth ever." Lucy chimed in.
"You don't hav-"
"Holy crap." That was George.
After the silence, it was Holly herself who broke it.
"Flo, truth or dare?"
"I'll break the trend. Truth."
"Would you kiss George for £7000?"
She just leaned over and started full on making out with George.
"Get a room!" The Skull was irritable.
"The Skull said 'Get a room!'." Lucy said. "Frankly, I agree."
They broke apart.
More lovely akward silence.
"Carlyle, truth or dare?" Flo asked.
"Dare. I'm no wuss!"
"I dare you to prank call Sir Rupert Gale."

Mwahaha, tis I the evil author. Part 3 coming soon. Comment, vote, and stay smiley giraffes. ☺️

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