Chapter 20

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Roger POV

I sat on the couch. "I don't know what to do anymore." I sighed. I heard a knock on the door. Before I could say anything Quinn and Angel walked into the room. "Roger we have a plan." Angel smiled. "But I thought she hates me." "No no no, last night she came home telling us Sage has just telling her to like forget boys and shit." Quinn said with a hint of hope in her voice . Just hearing Sages name made my blood boil.

We all sat at the little table I had. Angel got out a little note book and starting read the plan "So the first plan is to have you both come to my birthday party." Angel said "Nice happy early birthday." I half smiled. "Thanks." "Phase two." Quinn said adjusting her glasses. "Leave both of you alone in the kitchen." "Why the kitchen?" I questioned. "Because food." She giggled. "What if she doesn't want to speak?"

"Well bubby we'll hope she wants to speak to you." Angel smiled. "Phase three. You guys realize that you two are perfect for each other and get back together." Quinn giggled. I took a sip of tea "By the way the party's in a week." I spat out the tea. "I have a week to hopefully have everything work out." I almost past out from hearing that. "Don't worry everything will be good." Angel hugged me.

"For now Brian And I have a dinner date to go to and Quinn is inviting her friend Stella to come along." Angel smiled. Quinn winked at me. "Okay" I simply said.

They all left and I was alone yet again. "Let's hope that plan works out." I sighed. I looked through a box with pictures of Hannah and me. She's got a smile it seems to me. It reminds me of childhood memories. I place the box down and look at the promise ring "If everything goes to plan. I will give this to you." I whispered softly.

** Yes I know this chapter is extremely short but I promise after mid terms I will write a huge chapter**

Broken ~Roger Taylor Where stories live. Discover now