You left me

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Ever sense Keith left for the BOM you've been on edge. You locked your self in your room and didn't eat as much. You felt betrayed. You showed him the parts of you you never would've showed anyone. You loved Keith and you thought he loved you too....looks like you were wrong.

Months later

Keith's POV

After they defeated lotor and brought shiro back to life it had all calmed down and Keith had noticed something off. He was always in the heat of battle so he never had a second to stop and smell the roses.

Then he found it.

"Where's y/n???" Keith asked.
Everyone stoped and looked at him.
"Guys" Keith started to get worried.
Lance bit his lip, Alluras eyes grew, Pidge avoided eye contact and hunks face dropped
"Umm..I don't know how to say this to you" hunk started "y/n kinda...sorta....left"
Hunk was playing with his hands showing he was scared of the raven haired boys reaction.
"What!?" Keith said anger flooding his voice
"She left a long time ago" Allura began "my best guess is that she felt betrayed because you had left and before we could stop her she already left with out a word"
"Even if she didn't leave it wouldn't of made a difference. She already had locked herself in her room and only ate when we bought her food" lance said
"LONCE!" Allura yelled shocked

Keith just stood there for in shock unable to speak. Did she really leave because of him?
Bad thoughts filled his brain. What if she was dead?, hurt?, hungry? With the galra? He had to know.

"Do you know were she is?" He asked finally bringing himself to speak. "Hmm??" Pidge looked thoughtful as she tried to remember "I remember reading a note from her saying she was going to a rebel base with cordnits to it in case of an emergency" then she froze "but that base was attached a few months ago"
"We gotta get there" Keith said "we're not going home till we find her"
"Why?" Lance asked

Keith knew lance was homesick and really wanted to go home but so did y/n. Se always talked about her family, friends and animals and how much she missed them.
"Because you wouldn't want us to go home without you so we're not going home without her" he said
"Well we better not waste any time and get ready to departure" Allura stated
"Alluras right, left go"

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After nearly getting killed many, many, MANY times they finally made it to the rebel base. It was beaten up and looked abandoned but they still went in for a look.

"HELLO!?!" Hunk yelled after they had walked in. Every one looked at him "what?" He asked "some thangs never chan-" Pidge wasn't able to finish her sentence being that she was cut off by the sound of metal falling. Every one had jumped and put they're guard up taking out they're bayards. After a few seconds two rebel fighters jumped at them batons in hand. Even though they were good fighters they were easily defeated, it was almost too easy.

The paladins had let they're guard down as they looked at the two rebel fighters now on the ground. You came over to them but this time with a sword, you had walked behind Keith and lifted your sword up for a swift strike but was intrupdid by Keith's bayard.

You had pulled away from Keith's block and went for a swing at his side but missed which ended up in you lying on your stomach on the ground and Keith sitting on your back. "Why were you so easily taken down?" He asked
"We're out of practice" said one of the other rebels.

You then flipped Keith off, stood up and started running. you tucked your mask off and looked back at them with sad longing eyes.

Keith looked at you shocked then took off after you.

Keith had started to grow tired but ignored it 'cause he was to focused on finding you. After a few minutes of running Keith had found himself in a small room with you in it.
"Y/n!" Keith said sadly
"Go away Keith" you said not turning around to face him.
"Why did you leave?" He asked sorrow making its way into his voice. You snapped your head over to him eyes full of held back tears and you started walking to him.
"Why did I leave? YOUR THE ONE WHO LEFT!!"
Keith had jumped back from the sudden anger.
"You betrayed me, y-you said you loved me but you don't leave someone you love. I showed you all of my scars and hurts and you walked out the door" tears had started falling down your cheeks like rain drops
"You abandoned me"

You abandoned me those words hurt. Keith know what it felt like to be abandoned and betrayed and it wasn't a good feeling. He knew him leaving would do this to her, he knew she had abandonment issues, he knew she rarely let people in for this reason, he knew this but he did it anyway.

"Y/n I'm sorry I left you I'm sorry about I'll of this but I left because I love you and I wanted to protect you" Keith said walking closer to you "I was afraid that I would hurt you and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened, I-I'm Sorry I didn't know I would hurt you this much if I did go" he hugged you "I hope you can forgive me"
You hugged him back "it'll take time but it will happen"

You stood there in his arms baring your face in his neck. You never wanted to let go and you hoped that one day he will forgive you.

1022 words wow

Also I'm sorry that this was crap and I'll do better in the future, also requests are open so if you have any please let me know in the comments🙂🙂
Any way thank you for reading this crap story and I hope to get the next one done soon


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