Finding the right emotion
to compose a piece,
Writing has not been my hobby.
Can't write anything with ease.
Several scenes came into view to play,
But I just do not know the right words to say.
My mind wanders off from scene to scene,
And now I'm confused on which scene to begin.
A word popped out of nowhere,
Its meaning I'm not so sure.
This could be a sign that I..
Should start writing in my paper so pure.
The meaning of the word
I still have a doubt.
My dictionary never left my side.
I'll use it to check the word out.
One word, multiple senses,
At last I found the one.
Constructing now a sentence
I finally have begun.
Ideas keep flowing
So smooth, without flaw.
When I finished writing,
Oh my! I was in awe!
Tears sprung out from my eyes
because of joy.
I never thought that
I could write this long, boy.
Never in a thousand time
did it cross my mind.
That one day I could write
A poem so fine.
Before, my head would pound
From too much thinking.
Writing was never my thing,
But now, I am enjoying.
© 2012 C.E.E.