Chapter 1: Found

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(Book 1- To Survive without the Guardians:

Just like that, she was gone. Haven was gone. No, she couldn't be- Matt would make sure of it. She was just outside, so he could reach her in time and turn her human. A fire sparked to life in his chest. He would reach her.

The tallish boy tried to make his way forward amidst the Fearlings coming at him, Angelia, and Duran, three out of the four members of the Lunar Eclipse Resistance. In order to reach the fourth, he had to go out the back door. And in that moment, he didn't consider the fact that defending himself from a hoard of thousands of shadows on his own with Haven's curing orbs wasn't entirely possible, or that everyone continuing to use the cure was putting themselves in danger. He told himself he would come back to continue protecting his other friends once he had cured Haven, and he pushed down the fear that maybe she had flown away from his Grandpa Sloan's house completely. He refused to believe that would happen.

Through the chaotic screaming of the Fearlings' corruption being destroyed, Matt barely heard the front door slam open behind him. He continued to try to make his way forward around the frozen Fearlings being saved and the holes in the floor the children were dropping into. He wouldn't take his eyes off of his target, and he didn't recognize the footsteps and battle cries of the newcomers anyway.

"We're here!" a masculine Russian-accented voice shouted above the noise. A mass of the Fearlings surged toward the recently-arrived strangers, allowing Matt to move more freely, and he grinned in relief. The sound of weapons slicing through the air, however, sent a wave of panic through his body.

"Stop it!" he said to the newcomers while still facing forward. "Stop killing them! One's my girlfriend, and we have a cure!" A cure that had made Haven turn into a Fearling herself after using it too many times, but a cure nevertheless.

Matt heard a slight hesitation in their attack, but that didn't satisfy him. He spun around, still trying to keep an eye on his own attackers.

"Duran, give him some of the orbs!"

"You have to come with us!" a female voice, belonging to a winged woman with iridescent multicolored feathers, said. "We can get your girlfriend later," Matt saw doubt twist her expression, "but we have to get you to safety."

"No." For a split second, he was conflicted between the choices of rushing after Haven (therefore ignoring the strangers) or wrenching the weapons out of their hands to prevent them from killing her in case she had come back in, but he soon found that the decision was easy to make. He bounded forward to the nearest newcomer, what looked like a tall bunny-man, and reached for the boomerang the stranger was about to throw. "Stop!" Fortunately, the being lowered his weapon.

"We're the Guardians, mate. We're here to save you." Guardians. He must be the Easter Bunny, then. That would make the feathered woman the Tooth Fairy, and the other two people in the room... Based on their appearances, they were Santa and the Sandman. But then where was Jack Frost, the fifth Guardian? And how had the four found out about everyone being in danger? Matt and his friends had tried so many times to get ahold of them and failed!

"Stop killing the Fearlings! We have a cure; we can save them." Matt held up his bag of Haven's curing spheres, tiny and nearly completely transparent things.

Bunny's green eyes widened. "A cure?" He must not have heard Matt mention it the first time.

"We have to go!" Santa, a.k.a. North, the one who had announced the Guardians' arrival, said, and he grabbed Matt by the shoulder and started dragging him out the door.

The teen struggled to get out of the large man's grip. "Hey!" Matt was not leaving without Haven! "Let go of me!"

"You have to listen to him!" Duran told the Guardians. "We have a friend who's been turned into a Fearling. We need to save her."

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