Chapter 3: Temporary Residence

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"What other 'issue'?" Angelia asked, rubbing her arms in the cold, right as Matt heard a crash, a hoard of Nightmares neighing, and someone shouting, spiking his adrenaline again.

North charged through the double doors in front of the sleigh in the icy cave, shutting them behind him. The sound of the Nightmares ceased, but the shouting grew more panicked and threatening-sounding.

"Ah, Jack!" Matt heard North say, his tone more concerned than gleeful.

"There were too many Nightmares," a young male voice, presumably Jack Frost's, said. "We have to keep them here."

"I'm serious! People are going to think I kidnapped them and took off!" the older, tenor shouting voice continued to protest. "My ex will have me arrested once we go..."

Bunny called through the doors, "What's going on?"

"Come in!" North said back. Matt, the rest of the L.E.R., and the other Guardians did just that, entering a large room with a stone floor and wooden walls with red banners hanging from beams. A fireplace that Matt longed to stand near roared at the front, but he was going to stay by his friends.

Next to a couple of kids, a blond man, a few inches taller than Duran, turned to the newcomers, specifically looking at Matt's weapon with his bright blue eyes. "Oh!" The shouting voice. He turned back to Jack and North. "You could give me a sword and teach me how to use it, and then I could defend myself, so you could take me back." He rubbed his hands together and shivered, his breath visible, but he made no move toward the fireplace, either.

"I am not giving you my sword," Matt said with a defensive glare, crossing his arms.

"Dad..." a brown-haired boy near the man began, his eyes full of doubt.

Tooth looked at the adult. "Jack, who is this?"

"Mallory Bennett, Jamie and Sophie's dad." Matt felt like he had just been hit in the face with a block of ice. That had to be Mallory Philip Bennett, the other "doomed soul." The other person like Haven. "He believes in us but only gets to see his kids once a week."

Duran eyed all the new people, although he also bore a stunned look. "What's going on?"

"Are these the kids who sent the letters asking for help?" Jack asked North, not answering the question.

Duran crossed his arms. "I'm eighteen."

North glanced down at him while replying to Jack, "Yes. When we got there, they were surrounded by Fearlings. I haven't seen that many since the Dark Ages! We had to bring them here."

"We can have a party!" the little blond girl, presumably Sophie, said. Angelia gave her a smile with worry showing through.

"You can, but I have to go," Mr. Bennett said, looking around and glancing at the Guardians. "You can't keep me here; the Nightmares aren't after me. You didn't have to throw a portal in my face." Portal. That was why Matt could no longer hear the Nightmares- they had been on the other side of a portal. "I have a job. I need to work. I have bills to pay. Do you pay bills?"

"We'll inform your employer that you cannot work right now due to temporary safety reasons," North said, "and we'll deal with the money issue." Mr. Bennett tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows.


Jack looked at both the L.E.R. and the Bennetts. "We should really get you guys settled in with the others."

"Others?" Matt said. Just how many people were in danger?

"The children you saved," Tooth explained. "This is the only place they can stay right now."

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