Laila P.O.V

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The bright rays of the sun shortened my sleep, as the window was opened revealing the now brightened city and I was now reminded that I had a big test to take today .

Rushing out the front door dressed recklessly ,  something caught my eye , mom was preparing the house for an occasion .
Laila: Mom what's happening, did someone die???
Mom: Morning to you too ... aren't  you late for school??
Laila: shit!!! Uh... I mean ish
I got to go ....

My mom got remarried after her failed marriage to my dad. She met her new found husband on a trip to Lebanon to see my grandparents. They're  muslims , he's muslim, it was meant to happen. 

Some might say 

As I arrived at the college, I saw Dessa my friend, whom I tolerated better then everyone here , she was not dressed up in her hijab like usual
Laila: Dessa why are you not dressed "properly " ?
Dessa:  Because I had a chat with my parents  and told them I'll only dress "properly " when I get married.
Laila:  And they agreed?
Dessa: yep
Laila: I wish my father was like that
Dessa:  Who are you to talk? You don't even wear dresses to begin with ....
Laila: True...Anyways, I'll see you after class
Dessa: ok, see you later.

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