Its a no from me chief!

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Tao's pov.

I could have just hidden at one of my friends houses, like Xuimin I'm sure he would have welcomed me until my parents calmed down, but no! Instead I hastly used almost all of my savings bought a plane ticket and boarded a one way plane to Korea.

"Miss it's almost time to land, please fold down your table" A nice lady said to me smiling, the only problem was I didn't understand her.

"Sorry I don't know korean " I said knowing she probably wouldn't understand me either.

"Ah sorry, please lower your table, we're landing soon" Se said again surprising me, I did as the nice lady asked and lowered my tabled getting my carry-on ready.

Once I got off the plane I just kinda sat there, at some seating area close to the gate I came from. I had zero idea of what to do now, how would I even begin to search for big brother.

"Ah his company" I shouted out loud, obviously he would be there.

I searched his company name online and found the address right away. Making my way to the entrance of the airport I decided to go by bus since I saw the name of the location on one of the boards.

"Wow Seoul sure is busy" I said out loud, turning around I saw the building big brother works at a little down the street.

"I haven't seen Hao-gege in a while, I hope he won't be mad at me" I said to myself, a little habit I had of thinking aloud.

I pulled on my mask and called Junie-gege knowing he would help me find big brother.

"Junie-gege " I Said once he answered the phone.

"Ah if it isn't HaoHao's xiao meimei, why are you calling little Tao" Junie-gege asked me laughing over the phone.

"I'm in Seoul, I have no idea where to go! And there are tons of people outside the building I can't get to Hao-gege" I said softly, scared Junie-gege would get mad at me.

"Where are you? " He asked, I could hear his concern clearly. Maybe I shouldn't have came.

"I'm at gege's work" I said looking up at the tall building.

"I'll send you a address, go there and call me okay? " Junie-gege said and ended the call after I agreed. I felt my phone beep in my hand and followed the directions to the address Junie-gege sent. Once there I stood in front of a really pretty apartment building. Calling Junie-gege I walked to the door.

"Junie-gege the door is locked" I said. The lounge area of the apartment building seemed to require a password.

"Type in 3346 into the lock" He said and I did as told, the door opened allowing me inside. "Now go to the elevator and go to the 5th floor" He instructed again. Once I got inside the elevator and waited I decided to talk to Junie-gege a little.

"Junie-gege where am I going? Why haven't you fetched me? " I asked curiously.  Don't go thinking I'm spoiled or something it would just have been easier on Junie-gege.

"You're going to my and HaoHao's dorm, Junie-gege isn't there right now and neither is Hao-gege" Junie-gege said.

"Oh, I'm at the 5th floor gege" I said once the elevator opened.

"Okay go too the door on the right" I did as Junie-gege said and nocked on the door. "Put me on speaker Little Tao" Once again I did as told.

A few seconds later someone opened the door, a man with pink hair. I was about to say hello when Junie-gege's voice interrupted me. I had no idea what he was saying since he spoke in Korean.

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