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Hao's pov.

"Minghao we might have a slight problem" Our manager said early morning once he picked me up for a solo photo shoot I had.

"What kind of problem" I asked nonchalantly, not expecting it to be something huge.

"Some saesangs posted pictures of you kissing Tao's head, they somehow managed to photograph you at a restaurant" He said, sounding quite worried. I, now equally worried turned my attention to him.

"I think best would be for you to post a family picture or something, telling all your fans she's your sister" He sighed out, he probably had to deal with a lot of scolding from the company in my place. I wish he didn't have to, he takes such good care of all thirteen of us.

"Would that be a safe bet though? I've been lying to my members as well as my fans since the beginning" I asked him, we were now sitting in a Starbucks parking lot waiting for an assistant to return with some coffee for the two of us.

"It would be better than them trying to harm you or the group, or even possibly Tao" He said. It scares me to think about the possibility of my fans trying to hurt my sister or having this whole situation spiral out of control and setting my fellow member's careers in harms way. I love being an idol just as much as I love my members and my sister.

"Yeah, I guess this could get much worse than it already is" I said after thinking about it. " Would you give me till tonight to post it? I still haven't told the boys that Tao is actually my sister" I asked him. I would much prefer my members get the news before the rest of the world does. After thinking about it for a while he agreed to give me till tomorrow to post it or the company had to intervene.

Author's pov.

After Hao finished his photo shoot he retrieved his cellphone from their manager. The moment he switched on his phone it lit up with various notifications from their group chat as well as multiple missed calls from his boyfriend. He immediately went to his contacts and phoned Jun.

"Hao, are you okay? are you safe?" He heard from the other end of the line. Jun sounded very worried, which in turn worried Minghao.

"Of course I'm safe, I just finished a shoot. What happened why do you sound so worried" Hao asked. Jun was one of the more laid back members only getting riled up when necessary.

"Someone took photos of you and Tao, posted it online and found your sisters social media, they posted some really mean comments as well as an alarming video of them following us around and scratching Tao's face out on a photo" Jun quickly informed Hao. Hao was mortified, thinking that one of their fans was following them around and could have hurt his precious sister. He grabbed his bag, thanked the workers at his shoot for their great work and immediately followed their manager to the car.

"Junnie-Hyung don't worry, I'm safe. I'm on my way home now, is Tao okay? is she safe?" Hao asked Jun. He had no doubt his little sister was safe around his twelve bandmates.

"She's safe, Chan has been trying to distract her the whole time by speaking Chinese, he's not that bad but he messes up a lot, it makes her laugh" Jun reassured Hao. Minghao pictured that sight, their maknae trying to speak Chinese and his sister laughing happily.

"I'm glad, I'll be there soon, make sure to keep her safe, you stay safe two" He said relieved.

"So, you're a big shot model now. Leaving me behind to catch the limeligth" Jun joked over the phone, a little flirtatiously. Minghao laughed at his boyfriend pretending to feel abandoned.

"Oh I'm sorry mister big shot idol, member of seventeen, I promise not to forget about you" Minghao flirted back, enjoying the relaxing talk with his boyfriend. They would have to tell the rest of the boys about their relationship sooner rather than later, he wants to cuddle and kiss and hold his boyfriends hand around the house freely.

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