Quotes from: TMNT 2012

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"It's my call, I decide who gets a beat down... That guy needs a beat down." -Leo
"Everyone stand your ground! On second thought, RUN!" -Leo
"The first rule of being a ninja is do no harm. Unless you need to do harm, then do lots of harm!" -Splinter
Donatello: I can't keep fighting alien technology with a six foot staff.
Splinter: Hmmm.... A seven foot staff... Interesting.
Donnie: No, I meant using modern technology.
Splinter: Ahhhh... A solar powered staff.
Donnie: I'm serious sensei.
Splinter: I know!
From: Metalhead
Leo: Let's see how well you do against someone who can see.
Karai: Let's see how well you do against someone who's better than you.
Leo: Let's see how well you...let's just go already!
(Thanks TheSecretSuperNinja )
"Stop hiding behind your Foot Bots. Face me, Shredder!" -Leo, The Invasion

"Corner a rat and see what happens." -Master Splinter, The Invasion


"We're not Kung Fu frogs, we're Ninja Turtles!" -Raphael


"Uh oh, text message from you know who... Text message from everyone but Mikey knows who." -Donnie


"Not the pizza guy! Take Donnie!" -Mikey


"Dude, you alright? Because, unmotivated bursts of anger is kinda my thing." -Raphael


"You think your tough enough to stand up to my HOT NUNCHUCK FURY?!" -Mikey


"All right! An all you can beat buffet!" -Raphael


Best quote ever: "BOOYAHKASHA!!!!!" -Mikey


Donatello: Gentlemen, and Raphael


Donatello: Snake turned into a weed!

Michelangelo: Funny. You'd think he'd turn into a snake.

Raphael: Why would you think that?

Michelangelo: His name is snake...

Raphael: SO?

Michelangelo: You don't understand science.


Donatello: Booyakasha!!
Michelangelo: Sounds weird when he says it..
Raphael: Sounds weird when YOU say it!


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