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Hello everyone, this is Dragoness, here once again. First of all, let me thank you for checking out this book of reviews! I am quite excited since writing is something I am passionate about and sharing books is one of my favorite things to do. I've been reading werewolf books on Wattpad for months since this is my best idea to spend my pass time. I continuously stumble upon some really good werewolf books and then some really bad ones. I would like to share with you guys my thoughts on these works.

So real quick, before I release you off to go find a good book, let me give you a quick rundown of how this is going to work and the classic set up! My explanations will be italicized~~~ 

Generic Title - Dragoness

Each Chapter header will be the book Title and author for reference. Preferable with a picture of the cover in the classic picture box up top.

Dragoness starts off with a strong few chapters, immediately hooking the audience. But seems to lack passion after this, falling into a predictable pattern and outcome in her plots.

As you can see, the next thing will be my critique and/or a quick summary of the book. I promise to keep it short, Loves! A paragraph tops!


Next would be my rating of the book out of 5 stars!

1 black star = don't bother

2 black stars = sub-par

3 black stars = give it a try, I guess it might be your cup of tea

4 black stars = definitely enjoyable

5 black stars = PLEASE READ 100% RECOMMEND

Alrighty! So that about wraps this up. I will now turn you loose to go check them out!

BUT PLEASE NOTE: These are just my opinions and I'm not here to hate on writing. I'm just trying to spread the love and give honest critiques. 


Don't forget to vote and share to spread the word. Cause the word is bird (hehe).

Ok! Have fun, Loves!

xoxo Dragoness

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