We the Pack

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Description: In the world of Alphas, omegas, and betas, having a team of profilers consisting of more than one alpha, an Omega, and several betas with something to prove, Aaron Hotchner was told it couldn't be done, yet it worked for several years... At least, so he and the rest of the BAU thought.

A/O/B dynamic
AU team
AU world

Love Me like you Hate me

If we cannot end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.
-John F Kennedy

The case was brutal and violent, even with the hundreds of cases the BAU, their team in particular deals with on year to year basis, there is still always that one unsub, that one killer that sticks with them like a sore thumb, as if their sole purpose on this Earth was to inject themselves into their lives and remind them of the dangerous and viciousness that still lives in today's world of Alphas, Bettas, and Omegas. This case, shook Hotchner's team, leaving a cold feeling to linger in their eyes, Derek and Aaron himself to stand a bit closer to JJ in order to shield and protect her from their unsubs murderous eyes.

56 omegas. All successful, IQ's higher than average, almost towards Reid's level of intelligence, slaughtered in horrific, painful ways. Taking this case, was the hardest JJ had to do, the victims burned, cut, mutilated bodies... Unborn cubs from abortion centers left laid on top of the bodies. They weren't the cubs of their victims, but their unsub believed that by not submitting and not breeding with an alpha. A way to send a message to not only the FBI, local PD's, but also Omegas everywhere... They were and always will be beneath Alphas and he would make sure they knew it too. If not, he'd destroy them.

The plane ride was made in silence. Reid gazing out the window, knees drawn up to his chest, headphones in and music up so high, the other team members could heard I'll be Good by Jaymes Young playing. JJ made herself busy by looking over the case repeatedly, as if she couldn't stop until the unsubs face itself popped out at her. Derek and Rossi attempted to play a game of chess, but ended up talking quietly about the case and similar ones revolving around the evolution of omegas and alphas. Aaron, he opted to sit and watch his team, a stone in his gut about what may happen. The only peoppe he thought he wouldn't have to worry about was Reid and Prentiss. Rossi and Derek, like him, are alphas and JJ is an Omega, carrying her second cub now. Reid and Prentiss, betas. How wrong he was.

Washington DC. That was William Elrics hunting grounds for independent omegas looking to make themselves better off without an alpha standing at their side, a win for omegas everywhere, was all they wanted. He preyed on them, watched them for days as they worked, building rage and disgust. When he finally attacked them, he beat them, raped them, burned and cut them, before killing them and cutting their bodies to pieces. To top it off, like a cherry on top for a sadist, he left a dead cub on their chest, as if it would latch. A sadistic killer with an Omega agenda. Reid, unfortunately had gone in with Prentiss alone, approaching Elrics with only a gun.

He never saw the attack coming, the rest of the team later found Prentiss unconscious in the doorway, a gash on her forehead brought on by the force of the butt of a .45. Searching the six bedroom house, the team found that Elrics had recorded all of his victims, recorded what he did, leaving the team with dozens of boxes of screaming omegas voices, their lives moments before they ended. There were hundreds, but no bodies to go with the labels. Not even names, just 1,2,3... Etc.

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