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Rena's POV

I hop out of the shower and start to dry myself before wrapping my body in a towel. I grab another towel I used for my hair and wrapped it around my head.

I put my clothes in the laundry and went to my room.

"What to wear. What to wear..." I mumble as I look through my walk-in closet.

"Maybe this?" I pull out a red sparkly dress.

"Too fancy" I put it back.

I then pull out a light pink lacy dress. "Perfect" I smile in a approvement. I put it on my bed and look for a pair of shoes that'll look good with the dress.

 I put it on my bed and look for a pair of shoes that'll look good with the dress

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(Ignore flowers, focus on the dress)

I went in the bathroom and straighten my hair and did my makeup

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I went in the bathroom and straighten my hair and did my makeup.

I went in the bathroom and straighten my hair and did my makeup

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