Ch.2 The Great Divide

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My relationship with my father has always been filled with lies and ass kissing which doesnt sound very nice but its the truth I always kissed my fathers ass not for his "approval" or anything like that I just did it for really the money which doesnt make it sound any better but to him a small fortune was disposable so with the great allowance I received plus whatever for the brown nose I would help the less fortunate in the street which was mostly faunus which was understandable since faunus were treat very unfairly in Atlas even once my father gave a whole speech saying that without 'faunus there would be no Schnee Corp.' but forgot to mention the horrible pay and worst working conditions in the mines. I decided to take matters in my hands and help them out even though from what I overheard from my father a lot of faunus have killed close friends of the family and not saying it the best way to rebel it at least a way.

Because of the way I chose to live my life my relationship with Weiss has had its ups and downs she took the deaths of the close friends hard and her knowing my life choices well she doesnt really approve to say the least. Helping these people is always pretty tiring but worth every cent I always leave at 6 and be back at 8 sharp as not to raise suspicion I always have a random friend from school send me a fake invitation to hangout and it never fails but this time it was different majorly different "who are you going to hangout with?" I heard Weiss ask behind me while I was at the bottom of the stairwell I turned and saw her looking down on me with an eyebrow raised "oh well umm Ethan a close friend of mine" I said turning around trying to get the fuck out as fast as I can "oh Ethan is his last name Williams by any chance?" uh oh "uhhhh yes why do you ask?" please dont have a reason please dont have a reason I keep reciting in my head. "oh, I am acquittances with his sister can I tag along?" daaaa shit "uhhh sure I guess" after that whole fiasco Weiss went upstairs to change while I sat and waited for her knowing how screwed I am since Ethan and his family are on a vacation this weekend. Welp looks like there is no way out other than telling her I wonder whats worse how she going to react or how father reacted actually no matter how bad Weiss reacts father is always going to be the worst. After a couple minutes later, Weiss comes down that stairs in some casual clothes well casual for Weiss is just a dress she felt comfortable in "Ready?" she asked as I let out the biggest sigh of my life "yeah" we walked out and walked for a couple minutes till I felt it was time to tell her. "Hey Weiss, I got to tell you something?" I said just trying to steady my breathing "what's up?" she asked with curiosity in her speech, ok just breath "Weiss I actually am not going to visit Ethan because well for starters he is out of town." She looked at me with curiosity in her eyes just waiting for the next sentence I knew I couldnt lie to her because she is my little sister I love her more than anyone in our family and she to me is very trustworthy "I am actually here to help the poor who just happen to be faunus and either buying them food, living necessities, or a room for the night. Do you want to help me?" I just exhaled she was just dumbfounded she just stood there not saying a word "hello Weiss" I said moving my hand in front of hers which she quickly slapped away "ow" why did that hurt so much "so you are using our family money to help the faunus!?" oh Oum I should have just lied "what are you thinking they are killers and thieves!" she yelled to the point where she was causing a scene which was something she hated but managed to do pretty well "ok Weiss calm down your causing a scene." She looked around an noticed people taking a very big interest in our conversation she took and deep breath and waited for my answer "thank you, these faunus on the street are not killers last I checked the faunus that killed dads friends were caught and put in prison." I said she still gave me a stern look and not lighting up I just sighed "Weiss please dont be like everyone else dont just give up on a whole species just because some of them made mistakes humans are not any better hell the history of the Schnees arent any better dont be like dad and his father before him come help me make a change in this fucked up world. Please." I quiet literally begged her face seemed to soften but still looked disappointed Fine. "I just doing this because you begged." She said rolling her eyes thank Oum I didnt want her to tag along but it was it that or run the risk of her telling father "Weiss thank you I promise this will be somewhat fun. Come on we are already late!" I yelled as I grabbed her arm and drag her to the not so bright side of town.

"You are sure you want to help?" I asked looking down on her since I was inches taller than her she just gave me a stern look not saying a word :right stupid question" I said with a nerves chuckle "(Y/N)!" Weiss and I turn to see Daisy a dog fuanus in her raggy clothes running towards me and her mother Isabell walking behind her, as she came closer my face lit up as I bent down to pick her up "Daisy!" I exclaimed, as I picked her up smiling and "how have you been Daisy?" I looked back at Weiss who just stood there a little surprised "I am ok. Who is this?" daisy asked a little concerned not only is this her first-time seeing Weiss but also the fact that people dont really come through here with dresses "oh right Weiss this is Daisy and Daisy this is Weiss she is my little sister who also came her to help out our little community tonight." I set daisy down as she just stood there looking at Weiss for whatever reason as I went to hug Isabell who was more than happy to see me "hey Isabell how are you?" I asked concerned "oh we are just fine we are just buying some clothes." She said with a smile and I returned the gesture and walked with her towards Daisy who is now talking with Weiss.

Weiss POV

"Hi Daisy I am Weiss" I said with a genuine smile as I bent down to Daisys level trying to be as friendly as possible not want to scare her or anything "h-hi" she said a shyly which was understandable "you know I just heard your mom and (Y/N) talk about buying you clothes how about I give you some of my old clothes?" her head instantly shot up and her tail began to wag and she had the most cutest smile I have ever seen "really?!" she asked excited "of course anything for a adorable little lady like yourself." I said still smiling as she tackled me in a hug just repeating 'thank you' maybe helping kids like her wont be so bad.


I looked back at Isabell who just smiles at her daughter as she is talking and giggling with Weiss maybe having Weiss around wouldnt be so bad.

Another chapter in the books I am gonna start putting a song at the top of the chapter for what song I listen to that inspired this chapter I know right now the story seems to take a while to the main part like beacon but I plan on skipping ahead in the future after this chapter I just really wanted to show the strong relationship between Weiss and the reader like I said this story is gonna be different from the original story so I felt like this story needed this I hope you have a great day or night. Adios

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