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I don't break easy

But you've pushed the limit

There's on thing I can't stand

And your it ?

no your not

but i dont know what is

sorry wont help

but its all that we can say

it was stupid,

you and i both knew,

but when we tried to fix it,

the problems just grew ?

so ill say im sorry

if you say it two

cause the only other words i have

is i love you

so the pain will come fast

our agony will last

if we cant say were sorry

then the only thing is to worry

so ill leave now

...and end the pain

or else our lives

will be full of vainSee more

I remember you reaching out,

you're hand falling,

as you realised it was useless,

i wouldn't be coming

you're face etched with pain,

as tonight you realised i'd died,

you turned away from me,

as i walked away and cried


It was like my tears,

had woken you up,

and we'd both figured out,

it was the end of the book...

......It seemed we had forgotten,

what was supposed to happen,

when all of this finished...

...It could be the beginning,

it could be the end,

but if we're starting again,

please let us just be turn the page

close the cover

take a bow

step of the stage

say your goodbyes

As soon as we hit the floor,

we start to run,

after you realise i'm running away,

you try to make me stay

if you knew my thoughts

you would catch and never let me go

but you dont know and never will

ill run and run

leave you behind memories of you

fade into the back groundSee more

i feel you're sobs run though me,

why are you making me feel this?

why can't you just leave me be?

I love you but you're just killing me...

i fall to the floor

the pain takes over

i dont feel sober

im drunk with pain

You fall with me,

i don't understand.

You said you'd leave me,

after you'd left you're stupid brand.

the pain is unbearable

my tears blurr my vision

numbness takes over

i cant feel a thing

i realise slowly,

as you've never let me go.

you let me ruin you're new shirt,

so why are you still treating me like dirt?

you say you love me

is it a lie?

are you just some idiot

that likes to spy?

i think i now understand,

as i realise that my eyes,

are not the only one with spilled tears,

and that you've never actually lied

we pick ourselves up

brush ourselves of

we hug eachother close

and never give up

we now know

and we'll never forgot,

we'll love till the end,

and still be the best of friends

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