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CHAPTER 1 - Quinn's POV

I slowly walked into the choir room. Everyone was so busy talking that they didn't even notice me. Brittany and Mike were practicing their dance moves, Santana was ranting about how unfair the world is and Mercedes was listening with a big grin on her face, Kurt and Blaine were flirting as always, Tina and Artie were just having fun and Puck was in the middle of a fight between Rachel and Finn. Yes, it was just another regular glee day. I walked to my chair and just sat down. I listened to everyone's conversations without them knowing. I know everyones secrets and I think that is what helps me keep my power. Suddenly mr.Schue walked in with with a huge smile on his face. 'So today we are preparing for .... NATIONALS! Everyone needs to focus because I'm not going to lose again!' I saw Rachel opening her mouth and I heard her annoying voice filling the choir room.  'Mr.Schue I found the perfect song for me and Finn to perform at nationals!' I saw Santana rolling her eyes and preparing to get up and beat the crap out of Rachel but luckily Mercedes held her back. 'YOU KNOW WHAT HOBBIT? I'M ABOUT TO GO ALL LIMA HEIGHTS ON YOU AND FRANKENTEEN!' Santana yelled. Mr.Schue opened his mouth to make her stop but realized that she won't. So he just turned around and stood behind the piano whispering something into the ear of Brad the piano player. He started playing and everyone stopped talking. Finally everyone realized what song it was and started singing. I knew this song like no one else because it was my favorite song of all time , my life would suck without you.

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