~Chapter 12~ Church day

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Shakeya and I convinced Dejon that he needs Jesus and to come to church with us. He's complaining the whole ride. This is exactly why he needs to go to church.

"I still don't see how I need Jesus. I accepted Jesus as my saviour, so why am I being accused of needing Jesus if I already have him." He complained.

"Because you need to prove to me that you have Jesus. So far you haven't. Plus, we need to be forgiven for the sins we have made this pass week. I don't know about you but I don't wanna go to hell." I said pulling into the church parking lot. We got out of the car with Dejon still mumbling complaints. I just brushed him off because he's not about to ruin my relationship with the lord because of his ignorance. I'll deal with it when I get home.

I walked into church and was greeted by everyone.  I've attended this church while growing up so everyone knows me. Even the new comers know me. My mother was sitting in the third row. I joined her along with Shakeya and Dejon. Shakeya been attended since she moved moved in with me after the car accident. Dejons going to be coming more often so betta get use to it.

"Hey Moma " I said sitting down next to her, looking around for my father. I hugged and kissed her befored asking about him."where's daddy?"

"he's at home with a 24 hour bug. He's been vomiting all morning. "

"Aww I hope its just a bug like you said." The service began shortly after I sat down. Shakeya was on the end next to mom, I was next to mom and Dejon next to me. I looked around keara, but was unsuccessful. It's unusual for her to be miss church.  I did another check through before looking at the preacher and listen to what he was saying. about 5 minutes into the service I heard the double doors open. I looked back to see keara and her little sister Kaylin looking around. Her eye stopped in my direction and she quickly headed over to us. She sat down and we both turned to the preacher.

Service ended at 1:25p.m. I got up and walked into the isle. Me, my mom, Dejon, Shakeya, Keara and Kaylin form a circle.

"Hey y'all " I greeted Keara and Kaylin.

"Hey " the said in unison.

"Why were y'all late."

"Technically we weren't late, cause we got here At 11:00, but we parked far so we got in 3 minutes after pastor Jones started service." Kaylin replied making Keara roll her eyes.

"Y'all shouldn't walk so slow,  but anyways what y'all bout to do." I questioned.

" nothing go home and be bored." Keara answered.

"You not coming with us for our after church tradition? " I asked with a eyebrow raise.

"What after church tradition? " Dejon asked looking confused.

"After church we go to Sonics and buy milkshakes" Shakeya started.

"We stay out for about a hour so Moma can make dinner." I continued

"We have dinner at my house than have a game night.  Usually Christian, Paige and Victoria would join us." Mom finished

"What we waiting for" keara said signaling for us to leaving. We all left the church and got into our cars. Keara asked what sonics we were going to before we left. I just told her to follow me.

"Why y'all ain't tell me about this tradition. " Dejon questioned.

" Because you were to busy complaining about church that I forgot to tell you. "I responded

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