Chapter 6: Happy Birthday

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Cassie, Carlos, and T.J. were gathered around Ashley as she blew out the seventeen candles on her birthday cake. They were in Angel Grove park, and the weather was perfect. Andros hung back, close enough to be with them, but too far to be a part of them.

"A fire extinguisher?" Ashley asked skeptically, glancing at Carlos.

"What?" he said. "Everyone needs one."

"Here you go, then," Ashley laughed and threw it at him. Carlos raised his hands to defend himself and relinqished his hold on the corner of the cake. Ashley snatched up his untouched piece of cake and walked away over his loud protests.

"Hey," she said, coming up to Andros. "What are you doing all the way over here?"

Andros looked uncomfortable. "We don't celebrate birthdays on KO-35."

"You didn't have to get me anything," Ashley assured him. Loudly she added, "Carlos forgot."

"No, I wanted to," Andros said. "Here."

He handed her a small golden box. She opened it and gasped. Inside was the most beautiful necklace that she had ever seen. She looked at him, speechless.

Andros smiled. "You like it?"

"I love it!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around him. "Thank you!"

He stiffened at first, but then returned her embrace, wrapping his arms around her tightly. Ashley saw Cassie and Carlos watching them, laughing. T.J. was busy attacking the cake.

"Do you want to wear it?" Andros asked. "I could help you put it on if you want."

Ashley beamed at him. "Sure," she said, and turned around. Andros slipped the chain around her neck and secured the clasp.

It looks perfect on you. he told her and she hugged him again.

You're so sweet to say that.

It's true. Andros was starting to look uncomfortable again.

"Come have some cake," Ashley said, offering him the piece she had stolen from Carlos. "The corners are the best part."

"You actually eat this?" Andros looked at her skeptically.

"Hey, I don't say anything about what you eat," Ashley shot back. "Just smell it. It won't kill you."

Andros lifted it to his nose and inhaled tentatively. "Just because it doesn't smell like poison doesn't mean it isn't."

Ashley lauged. "I wouldn't poison you."

"You wouldn't?"

"We can't fly the Megaship without you," she said. Andros didn't look reassured.

"Deca can fly the Megaship," he said seriously.

Ashley laughed. "I was joking," she said.

"Oh." Andros looked embarrassed.

"It's all right," Ashley said, taking his arm. "Now, come have some cake. Relax. Have fun."

Andros took a small bite of cake. "This is good," he said, surprised.

"I told you so."

"How come he gets the corner?" Carlos and T.J. whined in unison.

Ashley shook her head. "I won't even go there."

Andros laughed at their insulted looks. Ashley looked at him strangely.


I've never heard you laugh before.

Andros was saved from having to respond when Carlos broke in. "Hey, you two, stop staring at each other like that. It's disturbing."

"We're not staring at each other," Ashley protested.

"Get a room," Carlos said.

Andros looked confused. "We have rooms."

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