
I don't stand a chance against the Mage.

It takes all my focus to just deflect everything he throws at me with magic. My arms are already tired and heavy, but they buzz with magic. It's a strange feeling, but I keep performing magic, anyway. After all, everyone is counting on me. Especially Penny and Baz. So I can do this.

I can feel worry buzzing around with the magic, but I don't let myself look up. I know there's a dragon there, but I'm afraid of what the Mage will do if I look away from him. I think I hear footsteps. But maybe it's the blood pounding in my ears.

The Mage seems to be looking at something behind me, and by the time I gather myself enough to raise my wand, a spell is flying past me.

A streak of vibrant purple runs past me.


I am so glad to be away from the numpties.

As soon as Baz and SImon took off, we were swarmed by the things. Big, ugly oafs, they are.I thought for sure Penelope and I were going to be stalled from helping forever, but Nico and Ebb are an unstoppable force, as usual.

Penelope Bunce is a little spitfire of a mage. It's amazing. It's only a shame that Baz isn't better friends with the girl. I do get the feeling that I'll see her around more from here on out, though. Which is good. Given the opportunity, I'd like to take her under my wing.

As soon as we take this little leprechaun down.


Thank magic for Penelope Bunce. And my aunt Fiona, of course. They came running up here like Hell is spilling over (it is), and are now I don't have to worry about the Mage while I deal with this dragon.

My best guess to deal with this thing is a nursery rhyme. "Ladybird, Ladybird". It's gonna take a lot of magic, though, and I'm not entirely certain where I plan to get it from. I can't worry about it now, though.

I take a deep breath and look up at the dragon. I collect as much magic as I can muster, letting it pool in my fingertips and my lungs, sweeter than honey and lighter than air.

"Ladybird, Ladybird, fly away home!" I shout, magic coating my tongue. "Your house is on fire, and your children are gone!"

The first line is for small, easily swayed things. Roaches and mice and such. But the whole thing, the whole rhyme might work on a dragon. Or, at least, I can hope it does.

"Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home, your house is on fire and your children shall burn. All except one, and her name is Nan, and she hid under the porridge pan."

The Dragon above me begins to circle, wings beginning to slow down. She wants to go home as much as I want to send her. I can already feel the magic draining from my body, and I focus all of my energy on this spell.

"Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home, your house is on fire, and your children shall burn."

The dragon lands in front of me, and I feel a spike of anxiety. The dragon's mouth is so close, and her breath is warm. One breath and I would be gone. But I can't stop now.

"All but one, and that's little John, and he lies under the grindle stone.

"Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home, your house is on fire, and your children shall burn."

My arms are shaking, I know they are. I can see them, and I can feel them. Magic is leaving my body at an alarming rate, and my lungs feel too small. But I need to keep going.

"All except one, and her name is Aileen, and she hid under a soup tureen."

The dragon is getting blurrier in front of me. It's getting hard to see it, and part of me is scared the spell isn't working. I feel like I'm on the verge of collapse, but I feel the flow of magic enter me. My eyes snap back into focus, and I dart them to the side. Simon is there, warm and filling me with magic. It lifts my heart, and I feel my voice finding itself, stronger than before.

"Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home, your house is on fire, and your children shall burn!"

I feel a gust of wind on my face, and I'm sure that the dragon is about to scorch me. I force my arm up, trying to shield Simon, only to realize that the wind is cool and the dragon is leaving, but it's too late, and Simon is staring up at me, in my arms and looking so concerned for me.

That spell took so much out of me, and I'm borderline delirious, and I'm certain that it's impairing my judgement. Because suddenly, I don't care that I'm in the middle of an intense battle with one of the most powerful figures in magic, or that Simon and I were enemies a day ago. I don't even care what kind of danger this could put me in.

I pull Simon in, and I kiss him.

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