After their first kiss both Jackie, and Hyde could not admit that they felt something. First ignoring their filings, 3 years later they couldn't imagine their life without each other.
Read this to see how it started and how their relationship grew...
-But Steven!.. why not? She said. -Because Jackie , I don't like you the way you want me to. I mean only a week ago I started tolerating you. - I don't believe you.. - then you should learn to! I know you've had a hard breakup and stuff, so I tried to be your friend for a while, but now it's over. So I would really appreciate if you could run back to Donna and complain to her. He said slowly walking to the other side of the basement. Jackie turned her back to him, took a deep breath and the only thing that came out of her was - help me get Micheal back.! Steven stoped organizing his stuff, turned around and looked up. - What?! He said as he lifted his right brow. Jackie knew that what she was going to say was wrong, but she really did fell for Hyde, thinking that he was this perfect guy with good heart and a strong personality. She needed to hurt him at one point to get his attention. - Yeah I mean, you didn't really think I was so desperate to go out with you, right? She said with a laugh. - I was just trying to make Michael jealous. That was SO not true and she knew it, but she saw that something weird happened to Hyde after saying those words out loud so she kept going. - Whatever man, you have to stop playing your little games. He said, while leaving the room.
Today is Red's annual barbecue, and Steven was still thinking about what Jackie said, with the fact that she was still wanting to get Michael. He was not jealous, but a little devastated. All this time when Micheal cheated on her, he was the one who had to be with crying and sobbing Jackie. She always wanted him to comfort her, and he knew that Micheal haven't changed, so when they get back together it will be the same all over again. And he could not let that happened, because he couldn't stand Jackie anymore. He didn't like her, but he hated seeing her cry..
Jackie's pov.
Jackie brought a guy called Chip to the barbecue, since Hyde wouldn't go with her. She was expecting him to think that she brought him just to annoy Micheal but really he's the one she actually wanted to annoy. Chip had dark blond hair, all the way to his shoulders. He looked pretty rough. In one hand he had a can of beer, the other was around Jackie's waist. They where talking to Donna, while she could see that Steven carefully observed them. That made her happy, really, really happy. - I'm gonna get you something to drink. Chip said going in to the kitchen. Jackie started slowly walking in Hyde's direction, so she could talk to him. - So your with this guy Chip now huh.? He asked. - Yeah, I don't really like him though, he's kind of dumb. She said, when she saw a little smile on Steven's cheek. - So your using that guy, to get back at Kelso? She didn't answer, just looked down at her brand new shoes. - Look Jackie, we gotta talk. He said grabbing her arm. They went inside his car, where they could talk in private. - I know you probably love Micheal and all this crap, but you have to understand that he's not the best for you. He did hurt you plenty of times, where I had to be the one looking at you crying. I'm not saying this to make you feel worst, but just to warn you. The last words he said sounded very serious, which meant that he actually cared about her. But maybe not the way she wanted him to.? - Well that should be my decision, shouldn't it Steven? She asked and then got out of the car.
Hyde's pov.
He was angry, he had to open up to Jackie, so she wouldn't do the wrong thing. He didn't know if it worked, but that's how much he can do about it. Sitting down and drinking his beer, he could finally relax. Look around a little, see Kelso fighting with Lourie, and behind the Vista cruiser was Chip. That could be a good chance to talk to him. If Jackie is really using him then it's fun to see if he knows something about it. - Hey! He said while walking towards him. Chip didn't really care. - So your dating Jackie.How's that? He asked almost laughing. -It's great man. He said taking a sip of beer. That's not the answer Hyde was waiting for. - Though I kinda hate when she talks. Now that's the answer he wanted. -Right back at you, I know what you mean. Well now, he just had to laugh. Chip started talking to some blonde chick over at the garage so Hyde decided to walk away, and find Forman.
Jackie's pov.
-Donna! I tried everything, I even told Steven that I want Micheal back.. she said with big disappointment in her voice. She was sitting on Donna's lab at Eric's couch in the living room. - You did what?! Jackie, what the hell! She raised her voice, standing up. You can't just go around telling stuff like that! And do not even try to tell me that you actually still have feelings for Micheal! The redhead said very seriously. - No Donna I don't want that moron back, I just want Steven to love me! - You can't expect that stuff from him, you know that he's not like that. - Well I know that but everything is just ruined.! She cried the last words out so hard, that Donna weakly understood her.
Hyde's pov.
- You wanna hear a joke, Hyde? Fez asked with his dirtiest voice. They where sitting at Forman's porch. - No Fez, not right now. He said deeply, drinking the last part of his beer and raising up. Fez followed him back to the table and grabbed some cookies on the way. - Why not? He asked devastated. - I just don't feel for your jokes right now. - Ohh! I know what's bothering you. He said getting really excited. Hyde just gave him a weird look, but didn't say anything. - Hyde and Jackie sitting I a tree, they're in love like to monkeys. He started singing. - Would you shut up! that's not even how it goes. - Well does it annoy you? Yes, so stop it! He yelled. - Than that's how it goes. He said with a big smile. - No it's not, I don't like her, I never will and besides she is gonna end up with Kelso. So I hope that you are just going to shut up and sing for them. He got really pissed, and walked away through the kitchen and to the living room. Before he opened the door, he heard crying. Worst he heard Jackie crying. He leaned his head closer between the kitchen door, and saw Jackie hugging Donna. - You know, a just want him to like me! Oh no, Jackie's talk about how much she loves Kelso again. When he was just about to turn around and leave he heard something. - Yeah well, you can't just bring another guy, lie, and then try to make Steven jealous. - What the hell?! He whispered to him self. So this was just another of Jackie's games? She's making me sick, and dumb. He though. - Hi Steven, what are you up to? Mrs Forman said. He got a little scared , because he really hoped to be alone. - Nothing, just wanted to get some place quiet. He was really mad at Jackie on the inside. Mrs Forman was grabbing for some ingredients, and started making salad - Well where's your girlfriend? She said kinda worried. - My girlfrie..? Mrs Forman I don't have a girlfriend. - Yes you do, the small little bossy one your always hanging around with. - She's not my girlfriend! Besides she annoys the crap out of me, and she's my best friend's ex! - Well you can't just push your feelings away. She said even louder, giving him a little hand gesture. - What feelings, I don't have feelings! A specially not for her. Mrs Forman she's everything I hate! She's mean, rich, shallow and bossy! He said pointing it out. - But Steven you hate everything. - Ughh no I don't... Mrs Forman if I like her... Shoot Me! - POOW !!💥
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Okay so this is just the beginning. I'm doing everything my way, but using the actual scenes. I looove this episode originally, but was trying to make it more realistic. And of course I had to use the scene with Mrs Forman.❤️ Sometimes I'm gonna mix scenes so it will be even better. Well hope you like it 💘💘