Chapter 2: Fake Badges

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She had always found it funny how the use of a suit could portray so much power, just maintain a good posture and look confident, and people would believe pretty much anything you said. Oh and a shiny badge never hurt either. “Special agent Ross, and this is my partner, Special agent Irwin”  The tall men said pointing to her while they both held out a badge. “To what do I own your presence agents?” The white-coated male asked not paying too much attention to them. “We’re here to see the remains of Darrell Carrington” The medical examiner looked at them with a confused expression. “Darrell Carrington? The druggie?” He said to clarify “That’s the one” After giving them one last odd look the men instructed them to follow.

They moved along the halls into a white and cold room. Opening one of the metal handles that were situated along the wall. Pulling on it he revealed the body of a white male “In your report you stated he died from drug overdose?” It was the redheaded male who asked while looking at the lifeless body. “That’s right, I was able to find traces of heroin and high levels of alcohol in his bloodstream, we were lucky to have found an ID on him otherwise he’d just go on as a John Doe. But it’s been months and no one has come to claim the body ” Both agents exchanged a knowing look before inspecting the body. There was nothing indicating the report was wrong. No marks of any sort, no exposed flesh, just a lifeless corpse.

“Theories?” It was nice to finally take his shoes off after a long day.

The blonde too was glad to finally get a break “The guy was depressed and got a fix”  She plopped down into the cheap motel bed. “Or a magic goblin hypnotised and shoot some heroin into his system” She sat up to be received with a glare, courtesy of none other than Lucas. “What?” she asked.

“Are you seriously considering the possibility of goblins attacking a specialized and trained agent?”

“Are you saying it's impossible that´s what happened?” She said sitting up and raising an eyebrow at him expectantly. Lucan simply kept glaring at her. “All I’m saying is that it could be someone from the inside, I mean couldn’t someone like you make him do that?” At the later question Lucas sighted but nodded nevertheless. “Whatever it is we got the body now, we’ll go back to headquarters and maybe they’ll find something” He finally gave into his exhaustion and plopped down the other bed. It was rare for them to be this peaceful, things were usually too chaotic for them to let their guard down, so moments like this one were always treasured.

¨Uff!” The air was knocked out of his lungs by a heavy pressure on his chest. He looked down annoyed at having his precious peace disturbed and was welcomed to the sight of tangled dirty blonde locks. “I’m gonna get some food” She stated. “Okay?” That still didn’t explain why she was on top of him. “There’s a place I saw on the way here...mozzarella sticks are all you can eat for $15.99”
“Ugh rude” This time it was Sam who resulted to complaining, this time from the ground. “Will you hurry up” Lucas was out the door before she could bring herself to get up and answer him. “Mozzarella addict” She sighted before taking her bag and chasing after the older boy.

She stared at him in horror, there was little that managed to scare her, but this was one of the things that managed to do so. Slowly, she moved her hand as if to not be noticed, this was a clear failure as a subsiding pain went through her hand “What the fuck Lucas!” she snapped at the older guy, while his eyes said murder, the tomato sauce on his groomed beard reminded her of a small toddler. “Mine” he cautioned her, before he could react Sam snached one of the crummy sticks from his basket and put it in her mouth before he could protest. Mad blue eyes meet a greener shade of playful ones before sighting “God you’re a child” She rolled her eyes but abandoned the conversation, taking out a manilla folder from the messenger bag she had placed down besides her chair in the little restaurant.

“We have a few more hours before we have to go back, we should probably take a look into what he was here for” She glanced at the papers trying to find something of use. “His last report isn’t very useful but at least it gives us a name, Arnold Ferguson, sounds familiar?”

“Vaguely, but I’m not sure from where, probably someone important according to…” He trailed off and waved his hand expectantly. “Ken Copeland, Third Division Sector Purple” She recited “Should have only been a routine checkup for them to send someone his level.”

“Well clearly something went wrong, god I can’t believe this, that’s what? 13 agents down in the last 5 months?” At his statement she sighted resting her chin on her palm “They’re dropping like 12 year olds at a Justin Bieber concert...omg would you stop chewing so god damn loudly you animal”  Before she could continue scolding the outrageous behavior of her partner his phone began ringing.

“Huat?” Luca answered “yayh we chaecked ih' ooeht ,bahdy's on eets wa” He spoke into the phone while dipping another cheese stick into the sauce and half covering his face to make the falling of crumbs more discrete. He rolled his eyes and spoke a bit louder beginning to get irritated” “On eets wa, wi saont ih buq wit le ker ju sant os. Eanks fo toat” Getting tired of her teammate’s sad excuse of coherent speach she snached the phone from his grasp taking a quick look at the screen “Sup’ Payton?” It was kind of odd to get a call from headquarters so early on, everything was done, all they needed to do was fill out paperwork for the report. “Did something happen? Why are you guys taking so long, it should have been routine Sam” The guy in the other side sounded irritated which just confused the girl even more “We’re done what are you talking about? The body’s on it’s way on the car you sent” At the last part Lucas raised his arms in exasperation “That’s what I keep telling him!” She simply gave him a tired look promptly shutting him up. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat but happily went back to his task at hand. He could feel the slight itch the crumbs in his beard was starting to irritate his skin but the discomfort didn’t seem enough to justify a stop. When he raised his head he was happy to see the waiter who had been serving them a few meters away. Hurriedly he opens his mouth to order a new plate of chessie goodness. “Can we have the check please” His illusion was cut short by Sam handing the men a card, not taking the phone away from her ear and sparing him a short look. “And some mozzarella sticks to go”  while her tone had a slight mocking tone to it, he wasn’t going to compain.

“Case isn’t over, we got to go” Shoving everything into the messanger bag she got up and straightened her now wrinkled shirt before putting on the leather jacket that had been hanging in the back of the chair. She gave him a last look before leaving “He sent a women, not a man” that was all the explanation she gave.
“Sir?” “Oh right, thanks” he took the offered bag and card, patting the waiter’s shoulder a bit more clumsy he would ever admit to have done so and followed his partnered out of the establishment, making sure to remember the name for future craving emergencies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2019 ⏰

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