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AN: Hello! this is my first book in a few years so excuse me if it's crappy. Also sorry for the typos c:

Keith POV:

I got up and tiredly walked to the kitchen where I saw a bunch of eyes staring at me. "Hello? what have i done now?" I groaned. Lance looked at me and walked towards me calmly and hugged my side smiling "Good morning". Pidge widened her eyes and laughed "I knew you were a thing!" I left the hug and frowned "We aren't." Lance looked at me and looked back at Pidge "Yeah, I'm just in a good mood today." Pidge nodded sarcastically, Shiro was eating some goo that hunk made and Allura and Coran were discussing some plans.

Third person POV

Keith walked over to his room and sat on his bed, he was starving but he didn't want to eat, he rarely did. Lance later came in and sat next to the starving boy. "What's wrong Keith? You seem upset. Is it because of what I said earlier?" Lance seemed worried. Keith shook his head and smiled at him "I'm fine Lance, Thank you" he didn't seem to buy it but he left anyway. Keith locked the door and laid in his bed thinking.

Lance POV.

I knew something was up with him, I hated seeing him like this. I walked to Shiro who was now with Coran, "Hey Shiro.. I kinda need help." I hated asking shiro for help but I was scared something might happen to keith. Shiro turned and raised an eyebrow. "What's up? you seem scared." i sat down on a chair and looked at him, "Something is wrong with Keith." Shiro put down his papers and looked at me scared that his brother was hurt. "What!?" He was shaking. I sat him down next to me and shrugged "He's been acting suspiciou-" He widened his eyes and cut me off. "What is it?" He seemed scared, I looked down at him and looked him in his eyes. "You do realise that he's never here when we are having breakfast and dinner?" He widened his eyes, "I think he hasn't been eating.." Shiro looked away from me and sighed "Well, go try finding out. Tell me everything." I nodded and went to Keith's room.


Keith POV

I heard footsteps. i got up and unlocked the door to see Lance standing there with some cake; I'm guessing hunk made with his new recipe. i look at him and let him in, he sat on the bed "So, Keithy, I brought cake, wanna try some?" I look at his smile and frown. I scratch my head "No thanks babe." Lance frowned "Oh cmonnnn. How about i feed you?" I didn't want him knowing my secret so I nodded lightly. I came towards him "Just a little, I'm full." Lance grabbed a spoonful of cake and fed me with it, I ate it and I felt like I was going to throw my entire stomach up, I haven't eaten in so long and it feels so different. I hate it, but I faked a smile and nodded, He didn't seem to buy it at all. "Keith I know you haven't been eating." He blurted out, I looked at him confused. How the hell did he find out?! Everything is ruined, great.

AN: Thank you to @ZenithTheWriter for editing this chapter for me and helping me with spelling mistakes.

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