The bear slowly stalked towards them. They all huddled together instinctively.
"Don't do that, guys. That's how we always end up with no survivors." The announcer shouted. The crowd was louder than ever, anticipating their probably horrible deaths.
The bear did indeed charge at them, but they split off into two directions. Matt, JC, and Colleen on the right, and Roi, Manny, Teala and Sayfia on the right. They made sure to keep an eye on the other's group, but Matt was going into data overload. His eyes darted around for something, anything they could use to help them.
The bear suddenly turned around and ran towards Sayfia's group. "Look out!" Roi shouted. In a daring move of sacrifice for the rest of them, he recklessly pushed the rest of them out of the way, before the bear slammed against the wall - and Roi. There was a crack, then a gasp from the crowd. The bear backed away, prompting a scream from Teala, which threw the crowd into an excited frenzy.
Roi was against the wall, his blood spattered against the wall behind him. His eyes were closed, and his shoulders didn't move with that same breath of life that anyone else's would.
"One down, five to go, who could be next, nobody knows!" The announcer shouted.
The bear turned towards Sayfia, Teala, and Manny, slowly approaching them, all of them on the ground. Matt was still looking around, while Colleen pulled on his sleeve. "Aren't you going to do something? You said you want to live, that's great, so help us live, too!"
Matt looked back over to where their boxes were. He grabbed JC and handed him on of the planks from his box. "Wait for my signal, then bang on the gate. It's metal." JC paused, but nodded, running to the other side of the arena. Matt went to one of the metal doors, and banged on it, attracting the bear's attention. The bear, now angry, started charging towards him, but Matt managed to dodge just in time, falling to the ground and backing away before managing to jump back up again and run as far away as he could from JC.
Sayfia got a sense of their plan and locked eyes with Matt. She helped Teala up, hiding her behind herself, but soon realized that Colleen was alone, an easy target. Sayfia called her name, motioning for her to come over to them while the bear was distracted with Matt, but the bear heard the shout.
Caught in-between a bear and the rest of the group, Colleen made a made dash for the rest of the group, getting there just in time, as the bear slammed itself up against the wall. The crowd roared. The group was together again, but the bear was backing them into the corner. No amount of Matt's shouting was helping ether. JC lifted the plank up, ready to strike, but Matt shook his head frantically. It wasn't right yet.
They were all in the corner, Sayfia, Manny, Colleen, and Teala. The bear swiped at them, scratching Manny's cheek. Colleen was at the back of the group, the most closely pressed against the wall. Sayfia looked around, between Manny's cut, JC with the plank, and Colleen.
"Sayfia?!" Teala shouted, terrified.
Sayfia froze, but just as quickly sprung into action. "Distraction."
All three of them, Sayfia, Manny, and Teala ran out of the way, allowing the bear to close in on Colleen, who, with a scream, was silenced by the bear's claws, scratching her deep in the neck, and forcing her to the ground. Blood was gushing out.
"No!" Teala jumped out from behind Sayfia, who, despite calling after her, couldn't stop her from blindly running to Colleen's side, where she was quickly struck by the bear, it's clawed front paw scratching directly down her face. She fell on top of Colleen, dead. Colleen's eyes had gone glassy and her limbs limp. Dead as well.
Another YouTube Fairytale: Matt's Life In Hope Square; Book 1
FanfictionBook 1 of the Another YouTube Fairytale series. Based INCREDIBLY loosely on The Tale Of Desperaux (Both book and movie) Once upon a time, there was a curious young man. He wasn't brave, or strong, or even particularly remarkable, but he was curious...