Tyler visits

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*Tyler is Ellie's internet boyfriend// Kat is my Lecturer in school*

Basically, me, Ellie, Julian, were in class like any other day, and like, Tyler walks in and Ellie like starts to tear up and all, but like we're sat in a weird position so he doesn't walk over to where were sat, and he just goes and stands by Kat while she's in the middle of explaining something and she doesn't do anything about it, even though she notices Ellie crying and all and I'm freaking out cause it's cute and Julian's just laughing cause like wtf is going on and anyway, we start talking and I don't really remember it but Julian makes a joke (he YELLS it at Tyler too even though he's only a few feet away) about Tyler being like a basketball playing redneck cause he's from Texas, and I crack up and say "he's not even from Texas" and Julian's like "Yha I know" and Ellie's just crying cause like why tf is he here yanno? And anyway break comes a long and he starts to walk over and I'm like "omg OMG omg this is so cute" and Ellie's like "shut up I can't freak out when I'm about to break up with him" and then me and Julian just look at Ellie like wait what? And then I wake up

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