Theres just.. there's just too much

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I had a dream,
Me and two people I don't know/remember were hand cuffed and we were in town and we were going to go to the cinema. And when we were walking through town to get to the cinema we walked past the Christmas market and they were selling vegan churros so I got 4 and then we started walking through that arcade by Burger King (Morgan arcade I think idk) and then when we go through it was like we had teleported to somewhere else cause we then had to start walking up a steep hill, after we had been walking for a while I saw these pride/rainbow telephone boxes and I made a joke by going inside and saying "hello? This is Kaitlyn calling for gay incorporated, just to make sure I'm still straight" and then we laughed and started walking up the hill again once we got to the top we got to the cinema.
I'm not sure how but once we were there we all became unhand-cuffed and I went off on my own and I saw that JK Rowling was there signing books and stuff so I asked her to sign my chamber of secrets book so she did we didn't really talk because I was really nervous and didn't ask any questions.
Then I ate the churros I got and found the people I was handcuffed too. Then they told me about a plan they had made where they were going to attack the place with knifes and stuff so, they made me do it too. We went back to town and I got a small knife, I don't know what they got. And we appeared back to the cinema when we were ready so we went in and I didn't really do anything to anyone (and no baddy was reacting as if anything bad was happening so I'm not sure if they did anything either) I just wanted to find JK Rolling again so she could sign my order of Phoenix book, when I went to where she was and she wasn't there anymore I asked where she was it's. Security guard (who looked like Miles from 'I'm A Celeb') and he said "she's still here but the lines really long now; she's just over there (he pointed to a part of the room divided by white leather room dividers) see the line coming out of it real long, right?" So I said "Yha I see what you mean, can you sign my book at least" and he did and i was really surprised because it was in calligraphy even though he was using a cheap ballpoint pen we wrote a lot but what stood out to me was when he wrote at the very end much bigger than everything else 'I home you loved these books just as much as I love you, your neighbourhood, Nan' (I don't know why he wrote that cause we don't live in a neighbourhood we live in llanrumney and my nan didn't even get me these books) and then I got arrested for having a knife on me which I fought was fair.
Once I was arrested I was alone with these cops and never saw the other two again. When they got me we suddenly just appeared in a dentists office while one of the cops was having his teeth done and the dentist asked me "have you had anything done to your teeth recently" which I thought was really strange because only two days before I had my first filling (that was real I actually had a filling two days ago) and then I just ran out a side door and escaped them I was free and they didn't go after me again.
I was back at the cinema, this time I immediately found my friend Ellie and ran over to her while I was funning I realised I still had a knife in my pocket cause it had cut my leg, Ellie needed to pee any way so we were headed for the toilet and so I would sort it in there she was telling me about what she drank to make her need to pee and she said "I drank Sharron Osbourne yesterday so that probably why I need to pee" and I found that really weird cause Sharron Osbourne is a person but I didn't question it. We got to the toilet and it was flooded ankle deep but people were still using it so we did to we got in our stalls and when Ellie did her business her pee flooded into my stall and straight through into someone else's and the persons it went into yelled "alright while drank Sharron Osbourne?!" In an annoyed voice so I just decided to leave cause there wasn't even any tissue so me and Ellie leave and I see the FP from Riverdale is here so I run over to him give him the knife and I go into the cinema with Ellie we sit down and see there are three people from college we know but didn't talk to them and somehow we have churros again and that's it, that's the end.

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