School, Teachers and Zombies

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   East side academy supposedly one of the top schools in the UK, no bullying occurred in East side academy... Well that last sentence was a lie, East side was supposedly one of the top schools, but the bullying, vandalism, littering and idiots were rife in the academy. The teachers were a collection of some of the most foul, idiotic,self-centered prats that barely knew how to teach and the students were just a whole new nightmare in itself.  East Side Academy or E.S.A also just so happened to be the school that Mariana-Rose Darkwood was bound to suffer her educational years, Much to her displeasure.

   Mari walked down the corridor towards Media studies ignoring the teachers telling her to put her phone away and dodging the attempts to take it off her. "I'm talking to my sister now back off!" Mariana growled at the teacher who was in her face now; Mr Crushem head of year eleven and the biggest self-righteous pain in the ass going. "You're not allowed phones in school Mariana and you know that." He folded his arms and looked down at Mariana making her glare up at him. "What if there was a zombie apocalypse and I had to stab you through the eye with a pencil? How would I tell Lil about it?" She asked as her phone buzzed alerting her of another text while Crushem tried to stare her down, which would never work; Mari wasn't kicked out of three schools for nothing. "Childish fantasies like that are the reason you'll fail in school." He said and walked off making Mariana grin and give him the finger as she walked into media. She wasn't going to fail when she was top of half her classes accept maths and chem lab. "Mari what are you so smug about?" Sally asked as she sat down in her seat at the back with Mariana. "Mr Crushem failed at taking my phone." She grinned as Miss Bradburn started the lesson.

    Media studies never held Mariana's attention unless it was one of those lessons where they did nothing, but watch films although since it was the last year of high school that wasn't often. Poor Lil was stuck in double chem lab with Mr Grimshaw; Mari shuddered at the thought of being stuck with that teacher he was a sniveling lowlife bastard that she completely abhorred. "Just going to spin around on my chair for two hours, see how many times I can make myself sick." Mariana sighed and began spinning on her chair until she almost keeled over with dizziness which made Sally laugh. She resigned to leaning back in her chair and closing her eyes for a while listening to the tapping of keys on keyboards. 

   Sally hit Mariana's shoulder jumping her awake and making her gasp until she looked up seeing Miss Bradburn who seemed somewhat paler than usual. Her eyes were dull and filled with exhaustion and her whole body seemed fatigued. Mari sat up in her seat so that she appeared to be doing work although it was pretty damn obvious that she hadn't been working all lesson. "Err Miss are you alright, you seem a bit..." She trailed off when Miss Bradburn dropped to the floor unconscious. Immediately the class members were surrounding them all with eyes glued to Miss Bradburn who still wasn't moving or breathing as blood seeped from her mouth oozing thickly like black tar. "Is she dead? Someone check her pulse!" Jessica yelled at the top of her lungs in a panic while Mariana stared paralysed... Was Miss Bradburn actually dead? Sally leaned over Miss Bradburn and leaned down placing two fingers on her throat feeling for a pulse; she shook her head looking around before a wretched scream split the tense silence making people jump. 

   Miss Bradburn's teeth were latched securely in  Sally's arm while the girl struggled and fought against the teacher who seemed untouched by the battle Sally was raging against her. Mariana pulled the computer monitor free from the table and smashed it over Miss Bradburn's head which freed Sally's arm. Despite Miss Bradburn being knocked out by the hit she began climbing up to her feet whilst snarling and growling. Mari reacted to her movements by picking up another computer and repeatedly hitting her teacher over the head until all that was left was a body, a pulverized head and a broken computer. "You killed Miss Bradburn!" The class members all accused as Mariana stood in total paralysis; she really had just killed Miss Bradburn although her mind was convinced that Miss Bradburn hadn't been Miss Bradburn at all when Mari killed her. Some students ran out of the class screaming that Mari was a murderer and soon enough someone came to check their claims.

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