Ronald McDonald x Burger King

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Hi why are you reading this?
Unless u r stella,cat or emma you are not being forced to read this.
**Cringe warning**

Ronald McDonald p.o.v
So here's a long story short: im gay. And i kind of have a crushie crush on my rival, burger king. I obviously know it would never work but whatever a guy can dream. Yanno. Ugh i hate going into work at 7 IN THE MORNING. Like  EXCUSE ME! I need my beauty sleep.

3rd person p.o.v.
So burger king was going to work as usual, at 6 am on the DOT. (Ya hes that 🐝) And right across the street from burger king was McDonalds.

Burger scuffs and (to himself) says "ugh im always on time at 6 am every day but Ronald's lazy a** cant even be on time at 7"

Burger always secretly want to get in ronalds pants but he never showed it. Obviously because it would never really work out. After all, they are rivals.

Burger opened burger king and changed the regular menu to the breakfast menu (bc thats how resterants work). And after about fourty five minutes of chilling and pretending to be freddie mercury the first customer of the day arrived.

As the person was walking up Burger noticed that that that person was  Ronald.

Burger thought 'wtfrick is he doing its literally 6:48 am, he usualy dont wake up until 7'.

Ronald walked into burger king and up to the counter and said "sup motherfricker"

"What do you want ronald?"

"Well i juat wanted to tell you that you are really pretty and...well thats all"

Burger didnt know what to say. He was confused and was almost certain that Ronald couldn't stand Burger but whatever.

Ronald quickly ran out after he 'confessed' becausehe was kinda embarassed. But Ronald didnt really care all that much about what other people thought of him. But Burger was different. Ronald cared about what Burger thought about him.

The day went by and burger couldent stop thinking about Ronald.

And Ronald couldn't stop thinking about Burger.

*one week time skip*

They ...... .

The end.

Umm sorry ab all of this.
Uhhh idk what to say.
But why did u read this?
U could of done so many better things.
Yet u read this trash chapeter,
To a random book.

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