chapter two

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"That Crystal, is Emma's lover-boy, Ashton Irwin" Calum replies with a smug grin on his face.

"He is not. He doesn't even know who I am" I say with a sad look on my face.

He's Ashton Irwin, the 'it' guy at school, and he's in the year above me, so he's 18. I mean I've talked to him a couple times because I'm in his class for Music. I decided to accelerate in music since it's a big passion of mine... and Calum decided to do it for the easy A. Classic Calum.

"Uh yes he does Emma" Cal responds.

"What do you mean? And if you start singing Justin Bieber, I'm gonna tell Crystal about your 'night of bliss' with Cathy Santoni" I threaten with air quotes.

"You wouldn't" He deadpans.

"Isn't Cathy going out with that Luke guy?" She questions.

"Yeah, but NEVERMIND" He says this to get to the point of what he originally was saying. "Emma, he totally notices you! In music he always looks at you and smiles! Like I want a guy to look at me like that! Wait I mean a girl" He says with a nervous chuckle at the end.

I just shrug and brush it off. I just stare ahead at the beautiful mixture of blues, pinks, oranges and purples of the sunset at the beach. As I'm staring, I hear from next to me, Crystal saying that her mums here and she's getting picked up as she has a dinner she has to get to. I get up and give her a hug and tell her that I'll message her later. She says goodbye to Calum with a hug as well and makes her way up the beach to the car park where her mothers' car is parked.

I focus back on the moving waves and listen in to a conversation that a lifeguard is having with a random girl on the sand.

"You know you can't swim here, you do know that right" He asks her. "why not? It's water and I want to swim." She replies. "Listen, what's your name?" "Kiarna" "well Kiarna, swim down at the flags. It's safer to do so" He tells her with authority in his voice. "Fine. What's your name?" "Maxi" "Well Maxi, you're pretty" She says then immediately runs up and off the beach. He just stands there with a shocked expression covering his face.

I just start laughing.

"WHaaaaaaT! Bitch I was about to fall asleep" Calum sasses. I fill him in on what just happened. He just laughs then falls back down to sleep. Classic Calum.

I suddenly get a message from my mum. Emma, you and Cal need to get home soon, dinners about 10 minutes away and tell Calum that his families over too x. I wake him up and show him the message. We decided to go say a quick goodbye to Harries up at the tower, so we packed our bags and headed up the beach.

We walked inside the tower only to find Harries planting a massive cream pie another lifeguards face.

"Oh my god Harries!!" I laughed

"What!? He ate my Tim tams!!" He cried.

Cal and I just laughed at him and said our goodbyes as we walked out of the tower and up the hill.

We finally got back to my house and as soon as we walked through the door, we could hear my mother and Cal's mother Joy yelling at whomever to fix the dining table. Those two, I swear.

We finished dinner and Joy and her family went back to their house, leaving Cal to stay over for the night. Both our parents know that nothing will happen between us so they let us sleep in the same bed, plus getting the spare mattress from the garage is super annoying, so he's sleeping next to me.

It was about 11:30 pm when Cal decided to ask a serious question, which doesn't happen very often.

"Hey Em"

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