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All the stories left untold

As we all grow grey and old.

All the words we've left unsaid

Or words we wished we said instead.

You've come, you've gone, you've left, you've stayed,

All the times I've felt alone and afraid,

Like a pair of socks without the other,

Like a loving father without the mother,

Like the blazing sun without the moon,

You've gone so far and have gone too soon.

What will come of the man I am?

All the feelings I'm left to cram

Inside a bottle so fragile and small

Until it shatters against the wall

With picture frames, all torn in two

As a reminder of the day that I left you.

I left you? How could it be?

I complain this much and have yet to see

That it was not my fault; it was surely yours

But that story amongst friends easily bores

And every time I share how distraught I've become

I think of the day when two became one.

Is it my fault? I'll never tell

My feelings for you have dropped, they've fell

And now all I can do is hope for the best

I'm nothing special and I can't compete with the rest

Of the men that have lined up at your feet

All of the men that you've yet to meet

Here I am, just another hopeless case

All my feelings that I'm hoping to brace

For the impact of what was I and you

And knowing that you are going from one to two

But this time it is without the man you see now

It is with that useless cow

But our love for each other has surely ceased

For you, at least.

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