Aren't You Glad To Meet Me

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     "Miss Aiko?"

"Yes, Jeremy."

"Uh, the lightsmith spotted your servant running off...headed towards the choco-mint bushes." Remi Aiko growled deep in her throat, then exhaled smoke from her cigarette into Jeremy's face. "Okay, I know you've just crossed over so I'm going to explain this to you only once. When servants like that old rat of mine go skidding off, you notify Anon and she'll send her goons to drag em' right back." The nervous boy nods, running off to his new task. Remi was sat in her large office chair, procrastinating on bills and paperwork. She smoked with her eyes half closed, legs crossed and propped on her desk, a fancy wine glass filled with red liquid that wasn't wine sat dangerously close to falling on her plush white carpet. In a few minutes she could hear cries of protest and chaos against her front door. Soon, the Head of Gate Security, Anon strolled into Remi's office, dragging an old man by whatever hair he had left. Remi took her sweet time, tapping her cigarette ashes out on the desk before squishing it out completely. She walked towards the servant and stood over him. "Ya see, I asked you to grab me a croissant, all I wanted was a fucking croissant. The shop is right across the street, I trusted you to complete this task and yet all you do is the exact opposite. In this world, obedience is your lifeline." The man trembled and scooted closer to Anon, and the masked woman just kicked him closer to Remi. "I'm not know. I told you you'd be okay as long as you obeyed, but you messed it up for yourself. Anon, go ahead and bring him to the bakery, I'm sure he tastes stale by now but the ladies can work miracles with him, they can turn into a nice little pastry." She said before tapping her finger on his nose mockingly before turning and walking back to her desk. She resumed her comfortable position before lighting a new cigarette. Anon left, dragging the doomed-to-dessert man behind her, Jeremy ran in soon after, sweating profusely. "It's done, Miss." He says whilst wringing his hands together. "Well done, I need you to accompany me on an important errand, do you have time?" Remi asks politely, blowing smoke and arching one very well groomed dark eyebrow in question. "Why not?" The eternally nervous assistant replies, shifting his jacket on to avoid eye contact. The woman nods her head at the front door, "Wait outside." She commands plainly before slowly fixating on her own reflection in a mirror that was on the opposite wall. Her shiny silver hair was kept in two neat Victorian buns that were giving her a headache, she walked closer until she stood about a foot away from the mirror. She slowly lifted her arms and undid her buns, letting her thigh-length hair fall in soft waves that flooded like water down her back, she felt more mature with her hair out. She let a small smile grace her lips before turning abruptly to leave.

    She met up with Jeremy outside her apartment, they had their I.D. cards with them, and that's all they needed where they were going. They walked silently side by side until they reached a large prison that was revamped into a holding area for human trespassers, hunters, and any other human that passes too close to the city gates. They may be taken out to be eaten, forced into servantry, or crossed over. Headhunters like Remi are cannibalistic individuals who live in a large gated off city in what used to be Canada, while humans live across the border in what used to be America. The headhunters are wealthy and way advanced into the future of technology while the humans live in constant crime and poverty. Remi flashed her I.D. at staff as she made her way to the aisle of cells holding young, middle-aged, and elderly captives. Jeremy waited in the lobby for Remi to get security clearance before following her to the aisle of captives that ranged from 16 to 25 years old. "You can go on and and see if there's any you think would work for me." She ordered, Jeremy nodded and quickly began browsing. Remi composed her aura of dominance and authority before slowly walking along the hall, dragging her slim pale fingers along the bars. She glared at all the cannibal hunters and gave reassuring nods to the young teens, she feels empathy only when she truly cares. Her crimson eyes flicked up when she heard anger and shouting down the hall, then a small hand reached out to her. It was a short dark-skinned boy whose cell label showed that he was 16, and that he was meant to be crossed over. Remi nodded at him, "You'll be okay, little man." She said before continuing down the hall quickly to see Jeremy on the floor and a fellow city authority figure standing above him. Remi sighed and stood with her hands on her hips. "Adahy, please get away from my assistant before I make you read the bible again." Adahy is a sassy man who is in charge of locking up all religious scriptures and items so that headhunter individuals don't have compromised intentions. The native indigenous man whips his hair, tightens his scarf around his shoulders,  and grunts before turning around and storming off. "Jeremy, what in tarnation was just going on here? Why did it look like the beginning of a very inappropriate movie was starting in this hall?" Jeremy pulled himself off the ground and pat dust off his own pants, "He was looking at the same girl I was." He answered anxiously. Jeremy led her to the very end of the aisle, where a small 19 year old girl was on the ground, talking softly to a haggard looking rat that was scuffling in the dust looking for food. The girl was dirty but still very pretty, pretty enough to make Remi stop and stare for a solid two minutes. She had medium length black hair, slightly tanned skin and light greyish-blue eyes like stained glass, something of a human that Remi had never seen before.

And she had never wanted to take a human into her home as quick as she had now.

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