Author's Note

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Hello hello it's Noodle and I have some general information including frequently asked questions and some good answers to help you understand the story and AU itself better.

I'll start with the FAQs first:

Q: Is Remi evil?

A: No, she has a conflict of views between being above humans and respecting humans as equals. She's not necessarily good or bad, she just believes in what she thinks sounds right, though she can be a cold-blooded killer at times, but only when someone of her own kind gives her disrespect or does a half-assed job. She can be a softie when it comes to pretty girls and young kids. Think of her like an anti-hero, like Deadpool or more like Venom, who do things based off their own belief in what's right.

Q: How can humans turn into headhunters?

A: In order to turn, a human must eat raw human flesh or ingest the blood of another headhunter, once they do that their body goes through a painful process, their normal human canines get forced out by sharper longer canines that grow, their muscles expand and contract until they get a little bigger, their hair grows and their eyes fade to crimson red. That shit ain't fun, and it happens consecutively over two days minimum, some take longer than others.

Q: What inspired you to make this AU?

A: Many, many things. I have this black and red jacket with a half zipper that looks like that of an animal's leash loop, the black and red made me think of some badass world where some type of creature had taken over and they all wore badass clothing and I randomly thought about cannibals and I was like yes. Also I was always fascinated by cannibalism (scientifically of course) and by the old lore of many other cultures. Like the wendigos of the native indigenous, and the yamauba of Japan, which I have loosely referred to Remi as a yamauba because of her Japanese blood, but it's not canon. Also I just really wanted to create a world I could immerse myself in to get away from life's stress.

Q: Can Remi be shipped with a male?

A: les·bi·an[ˈlezbēən]NOUN a homosexual woman.

Q: Is this heavily inspired by Divergent/Hunger Games?

A: Ah yes because there's lots of lesbian/cannibal/supernatural creature action in those two. How dare I make a story about a dystopian post apocalyptic city.

Some factoids about my characters that you've met so far:

Remi- Nicknamed citywide as the 'killer queen'

-Has the DNA of a wolf from government experimentation, when she evolves she can shift into a slightly demonic looking version of a wolf.

-Goes through about six servants a year (she insists that it's the servants' faults)

-Loves Jeremy (her assistant) like a little brother.

-Hasn't slept since she was human.

-Is the biggest lesbian on earth, she metaphorically falls to her knees at the sight of an attractive female.

-She used to sleep around a whole lot when she was starting out as a headhunter, women and killing had to have been her most favorite things in the world back then.

-Her entire chest and right thigh is covered in tattoos, though no one has ever seen them due to her usual attire of black mocknecks and ultra tight skinny jeans.

-She secretly respects humans, which is why she only eats human males who have committed crimes, she can't find it in herself to eat a female because she relates to them too much.

-Her favorite way to consume a human is to toss small pre-cut chunks in a salad, or in ramen noodles.

-If Remi curses then you know she feels very strongly about something.

-Literally hates Adahy because he's annoying and prissy, and also has an unhealthy obsession with taking her place.


Alex- Oddly doesn't mind being a servant.

-Loves talking about deep and thoughtful things like death and morality.

-Secretly tops

-Quiet and soft-spoken but will express her opinion whether you want to hear it or not.

-Lowkey wants to be turned headhunter but never says it knowing Remi will shut that shit down.

-Loves animals and will die for a rat if she had to

-19 year old who was 16 when the world collapsed.

-Has secretly killed a headhunter before

-Her father was a hunter and died protecting her from a rogue cannibal.

-Had a boyfriend before the collapse, she found absolutely nothing attractive about him and only became his girlfriend out of pity

-She accidently killed her boyfriend when he attacked her after she found out he was going to give her to a headhunter in exchange for being turned.

Jeremy- Remi's main assistant.

-He's gay and is lowkey crushing on the authority of diplomacy, who is normally in hiding all year until he makes deals with human authority about gate laws and whatnot.

-absolutely hates Adahy

-posh british boy who moved to canada when he was 17, still has the accent and has a hard time dealing with canadian currency.

-So shy and awkward that hes never attempted to be in a relationship

-Percy, the authority that he is currently crushing on was the headhunter that turned him

-Jeremy has the DNA of a female deer

Syanne-   An austrian tech genius who has managed all the technology in the entire city.

-before the world collapsed, she was employed as a pluz sized model despite being born blind

-spent many years adopting disabled, injured, and handicapped cats

-currently has one cat named Anubis who's entire face was burned badly by an abusive owner, who was later killed by syanne herself after he was exposed for abusing his wife

-her lab/workshop is located beneath a technology shop, she manages and creates the technology herself while also selling it herself

-her name was originally spelled like Cyan but she felt so much change after becoming a headhunter that she decided to elongate it so it would look classier

-has a part time job as a tattoo artist along with one of her friends and fellow city authority Cyera


-a whole ass bitch

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2019 ⏰

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