Of Course...Not

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"...not. You are literally the best servant i've had so far why would I take the first opportunity to mess it up." Remi explained, exhaling her smoke, the ceiling fan blew it out the window. Alex sighed in relief before walking over and sitting on Remi's desk as she was comfortable enough to do so. Remi being easily manipulated by pretty girls nearly choked but remembered it wasn't the first time Alex had taken a seat on her desk. "What's on your mind?" Remi asked, leaning forward and taking her feet off the desktop. "I'm just thinking of if I had been sent off. But master, is my great work ethic the only reason you're keeping me?" She asked, Remi shook her head shamelessly. "Of course not." She whispered. She had to be honest with herself, over the past six months since Alex arrived, Remi had grown very fond of her. Alex was very intelligent, calm, calculated, respectful, and of course pretty. But Remi knew that being attached to your servant is a headhunter sin, an actual law that can warrant her execution if broken. But Remi as herself, being herself, she couldn't find it in her cold heart to care. She impulsively pulled Alex by the legs to face her, she had her cigarette balanced in her mouth, her eyes once again half-closed but this time because she was enchanted by the servant girl. Alex was taken aback but took this time to study the young 21 year old woman she referred to as Master for the past few months. Remi looked like the most healthy creature to Alex, but she knew scientifically that eating humans gave lots of nutrients and health benefits, making headhunters strong and most likely attractive. Alex studied the bright crimson eyes and the flushed skin that was smoother than vanilla icecream, she couldn't even tell if Remi had pores. Not to mention her silver hair that was longer than the average human lifespan with a shine that put Alex's future to shame. Alex couldn't deny, she loved how Remi looked. "What is it, master?" She asked, eyes suddenly looking down as Remi slowly stood up from her chair. She tossed her cigarette out the window and mentally held her ground, realizing just how much she wanted to just...
Kiss her.
Remi took a deep breath and stared at Alex whose eyes were still on her own lap. Remi lifted her hand and touched Alex's hair, eventually running her hand through it, loving the soft feel. "You're too pretty to be my servant girl." She muttered, then Alex looked up. "Then make me like you." She said, as Remi shook her head. "I'm not going to turn you into a monster because i'm shamelessly, selfishly attracted to you." Alex grabbed Remi's forearm and pulled her closer. "Who said it was selfish?" As soon as Remi's sharp teeth touched Alex's throat, Jeremy busted in like a bat out of hell. "MISS AIKO I CAME AS QUICK AS I COULD!" He announced as he speed-walked towards the two girls. "Well that sounds unhealthy." Remi commented. He pulled a tablet out of his crossbody bag and shoved it into Remi's hands. She turned it on and it was tuned in to a live news report. Susan from the holding center was making an announcement. 'I'm Susan Woodson reporting from the local captive holding center with some general statistics to tell you all about. Since today is annual servant purging day I am glad to report that all servants except one in the holding center record book has been successfully sent off to an assigned butcher. Now our very own Miss Remi Aiko has not been seen today at all at the purge. Miss Aiko, your presence and participation would be greatly appreciated, servants are overflowing the center and every one butchered counts. Miss Aiko if you prefer to keep your current servant due to healthy work ethic and only for that reason, you may go to the public square for a servantry appeal, if not, please send your servant to the center to be sent off, thank you. Have a nice day everyone and remember to visit the center before midnight to claim a new servant.' Then the screen faded to black. Remi was heated, so angry that she snapped the tablet in half before casually handing it back to Jeremy. "Looks like I am gonna be ripping Susan's tongue out and feeding it to my cats." She muttered angrily before sitting at her desk, wallowing in her own stress. Alex cleared her throat, "Well how does the appeal work, y'know, to keep me?" Jeremy perks up and decides to explain it in place of Remi who couldn't even bother to speak in her pissed state. "Well basically, Remi takes you to the public square, speaks in front of everyone about what a good servant you are why she intends on keeping you before taking a chunk of meat out of your body with her bare teeth." Alex inhaled sharply, "What do you mean by take a chunk out of me..?"

"To show everyone how she's in control of you and that she sees you as a clear subordinate and also to make sure she isn't attached to you, which from what I could tell when I walked in, she clearly is-"

"Shut up Jeremy before you end up like how Susan is gonna be when I visit her tonight, leave us please." Remi said quietly, as Jeremy nodded and left before angering Remi anymore. "C'mere cupcake." She said to Alex, who slowly walked up to her desk. "It's your choice, Alex, I'll have to say and do things that will hurt you...public square or death?" Alex blinks, her eyes watering with pure fear, but she toughened herself up. 

"I'd rather be your chew toy than die, I'd rather pull up to the public and suffer than die for no reason other than overflow."

"Wow. A bit intense there little one." 

They walked the short distance to the public square, they were both guided directly onto the stage in front of thousands of other headhunters. Alex zoned out, not even hearing the things Remi was saying into the microphone, she snapped out of it when the cannibal audience began chanting 'bite' over and over until she began to hate the word itself. She looked up at Remi who was looking down at her with concern. Remi handed the microphone to a sad-looking Jeremy before crouching down in front of Alex. "Remember that it's all just for show." She whispered before grabbing Alex's left arm and taking a generous bite out of it, Alex let out an ear piercing scream, she screamed until her voice died into sporadic croaks. Remi ripped a large chunk of meat out of her arm, blood running down her chin, she spat it into the crowd as they continued their loud roaring cheers. The pain blinded Alex until her vison faded and she passed out, the audience quickly dispersed to their daily activities as Remi stood above Alex's limp barely breathing body, in disgust with herself, angry at herself. A tall, thick pale girl with bright red hair and blind white eyes ran onto the stage. "I'm so glad you're here Syanne." Remi whispered, Syanne nodded, getting to work examining Alex with her glasses that allow her to see statistics and science, something she invented herself after going blind. "Bloody biscuits Remi, ya ripped out all her important bits! Goodness she has nerve damage in her arm that's rendering it paralyzed and permanently useless. I'll have to make er' an artificial one. Go clean yourself, with the blood on your mouth it appears as if you love girls everyday of the month! I'll take your girl back to my lab and do some work with what's left, I'll have to amputate it." 

Remi left feeling as ashamed as a dog that bit it's beloved owner, despite being the owner in this case, Remi was starting to hate being in control. 

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