Syanne The Blind Genius

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     Syanne was hard at work, professionally, precisely lasering off the rest of Alex's useless arm right below the rotator cuff. She had an independent 3D printing machine creating the base parts for Alex's artificial arm, she would have to program it together herself. The laser machine she was using was shut off and slid away on it's track. She wrapped Alex's nub of a shoulder before sopping up blood and bagging up amputated flesh. She concentrated hard on determining how she could apply the arm but soon scanned Alex's nub, figuring out that she had perfectly fine nerves in that specific spot. Syanne spent a whole hour putting the arm together, tinkering with LED veins and artificial nerve endings. When it was in pristine working condition due to Syanne being a perfectionist, she finally took two more hours applying it to Alex and melding it to her body. As soon as she sat down, she heard a series of knocks at her door. "Who is it?" She called.

"Your worst nightmare." 

"Come in Jeffrey Dahmer just stay away from the snack over there." Syanne joked, referring to Alex who was still unconscious on the other side of the room. Remi walked in and plopped on the couch next to Syanne, "I hate everything right now, I'm feeling guilty over biting a human, something that my kind is supposed to do." Remi complained, leaning back with her eyes closed. "Well my dear friend, it just means that you've got some humanity in there that hasn't gone away yet, of course you feel guilty. Anyway I've been working all day so you mind as well bring your girl home so I can catch a nap for the rest of the day, and night...and maybe all of tomorrow." Remi scoffed and got up, picking Alex up bridal style and carrying her home since Syanne lives only across the street from her. Jeremy opened the door for her then drove himself home right after. Remi carried Alex up to her bed and tucked her in, before closing the door and going down to her office to work on paper work. Alex woke up three hours later, no remnants of the pain she was in earlier, the left side of her body felt heavy, hazy from the anesthesia, she had no idea where she was or why she was there. She opened her eyes and blinked many times, focusing her eyesight on her unfamiliar surroundings. She was in a fancy bedroom, with dark red walls and black furniture, little bits of cat decorations all spread around the room as classy little sculptures and an entire wall of monochrome artwork to her right. She was in an incredibly comfy California king sized canopy bed, a large black cat lay asleep in it's own pet bed beneath the many frames of art on the right of the room. She lastly dragged her gaze down at her own left arm, which was now a black robotic version, the artificial veins and motors running with quiet whirring sounds as they glowed a neon light blue color. Then all the memories flooded back.

The crowd. Remi taking a bite. Then nothing but darkness.

Alex didn't know how to handle it, so all she did was scream, with tears running down her face as she shook in a frenzy of sadness, panic, fear, and finally, anger. Remi heard the muffled screams from downstairs, but she only calmly sighed before slowly making her way upstairs to her own room. She opened the door to see the absolute mess named Alex, she paced quietly towards her, her cat Orion roused from his deep sleep and ran out the room, sensing all the tension and emotion. Alex looked up through her tears, she whispered in her broken voice. "Stay away...from me." Remi shook her head lightly and kept inching closer to the shaking girl. Alex in turn got out the bed and backed up into a corner, muttering things to herself, holding her left arm away from her body like it didn't belong to her. "Calm down, Alex, it's your arm, you need it okay? I'm sorry I-uh didn't mean to be so rough." Remi apologized, not really knowing how to because only humans accept and use apologies. "You That's how you headhunters are, so greedy and ungrateful for what you have, always taking more than you need. I say take a bite and you take my entire arm, like an untrained mutt, an animal." Now Alex was speaking out of pure spite, she had never spoken to anyone this way, never mind Remi, who could easily rip her to shreds. Though Remi was slightly angered, offended even, she kept cool and collected, she had never thought that Alex would express such racially- biased views, but then again, the girl was just scared. Alex then busted into tears again like a crazy woman, changing her entire agenda by sliding down until she sat on the floor. "I'm so can't change what you are, you can't control what happened to you that made you like this, I'm so sorry." She whispered as Remi crouched in front of her with softened facial features. "No need to apologize, that's why we just need to move forward, just like everyone else." Remi said quietly, Alex looked up at her, sniffling profusely. "How do we do that?" Remi held up her hand and helped Alex to her trembling feet. "By being honest. I know you like me, Alex, but are you willing to admit it?" The human girl let out a tiny, shaky smile and nodded. "You know I'm always honest with you mas-" She couldn't finish her sentence before being pulled into a bone crushing hug, but it was a great hug nonetheless. "Sadly, I know flittering around with my alleged 'food' is illegal but right now I couldn't care less, I never saw you that way, I see you as my equal most of the time because It's hard to change my thought process as a headhunter, but I'm trying my hardest to see both sides of the gate." Alex nodded, "I know you are, but I have to ask a favor." Remi perked up and tilted her head with an amused hum. "Do you really?"

"Yes, and I'm going to ask you to kiss me." It stayed silent for a whole two minutes. Remi finally flinched and shifted on her feet. "You do know that a few hours earlier I had used my mouth- my-my teeth to rip a big ass chunk of flesh out of your arm?"

"Yeah, I was there. And for right now, I don't care and I'm not sure what I feel which is why I need your help with this." 

"I have canines, I don't wanna accidently bite you."

"I really don't care."

"Okay." Then Remi took the initiative to grab Alex by her shirt and pull her into a kiss that left Alex dizzy and most likely more not-hetero than she was before. After about three minutes of experimental 'not-sexual' making out, Remi's jacket ended up on the floor somehow and Alex's lips were swollen and her throat was purple and red in spots like the time Syanne attempted watercolor painting.  Alex had learned some things about herself that she never thought she'd know, like the fact that she enjoys love bites and being pushed against the wall, little things that made her face turn red when she thought of it. After that little fiasco, Remi confirmed that their relationship was a thing, and it could be a thing as long as it's kept secret. Also, Alex would never admit it out loud, but Remi's canines sinking lightly into her throat has to be possibly her favorite memory in all her 19 years of life, despite the traumatic experience of having her arm practically bit off. She deeply regretted the horrible things she said to Remi earlier but remembered her words about moving on. The two were currently sitting in Remi's bed, dealing with paperwork. Remi sorting it and Alex shredding or trashing irrelevant papers, they worked in silence, despite the very apparent sexual tension now that they were something official. Remi was doing her best not to jump Alex but she loved the concentration on her face, the very look of her face, the side view of her strong jawline and the sound of her calm breathing, Alex was a sight to see, a sight that Remi hoped no one but her would have the privilege to see.

 "Fuck the paperwork." The headhunter said out loud before knocking all the papers off and pulling Alex closer to her. 

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