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Yoongi looked nerves.

Yoongi POV.

a "uhm... no i don't have a place t--" Yoongi got cut off by someone and turned around and looks mad. {A/M: guess who it is} " father!" Yoongi stands front off Jimin to protect him. "HAH you really think you can escape me" Yoongi's father laughing evil. Yoongi looks at Jimin. "Jimin i want you to run as fast as you can away from here, and take my bag with you" Yoongi cupped his face and looks right in his eyes and then let go of his face and open the bag and grab the blood sword out of it. {only a blood sword can kill a real devil} "no i want to stay by y--" Jimin said and cut off by Yoongi again. "no, please run now" Yoongi said to Jimin. Jimin nods and runs away with his bag and books. Yoongi smirk at his dad. " now it between you and me, this is what you deserve from Turing everyone on me"........


hey. i hoped you enjoy this part. love you all from reading this boring stupid book...



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