Your with me!

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{That ass tho, to MinSeline for the fotos😚}

i looked him in his eyes and saw the pain...


"Jimin are you okay?" Yoongi looked back. "Y-yes I'm okay" I smiled and pulled back from the hug. "Why is your shirt wet?" Yoongi aks. "Because you where crying in your sleep and I was trying to wake you up but you wouldn't wake up and hoseok threw a glass of water in you face." I kissed his head and smiles. "Come on now let's eat" I grabed his hand and walk to the kitchen with yoongi. Yoongi walked behind me and held my hand. "Breakfast is ready" namjoon put the food down on the table and smiles and sits down next to hoseok. Me and yoongi sat down next to each other. I started eat with namjoom and hoseok but yoongi didn't eat. "Yoongi are you going you eat?" Yoongi shook his head no. "Why not?" I looked at him still worried. Yoongi didn't gave a anwser. I sighed and kept eating until I was full. When I was in full I looked over at yoongi. 'He's so white but not in a good way' "Yoongi you sure your okay?" I put my hand on his head to feel how warm he was ."Youre sick yoongi." Yoongi sighed and just let me touch his forehead to feel how warm he was "No, no I'm okay jimin." When yoongi said that.....

The Night {yoonmin ff 18+ English} ~°•Finished P1•°~ [Under Edited]Where stories live. Discover now