Applejack Sweet Apple Acres

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They ran over too sweet apple acres, still with everypony looking at them and giving them the stink eye, by the time they got their they were starving! so they all started picking apples.

"Hey get out of here y'all can't steel our appl.. Who are you?" Asked applejack. "How'd y'all get here?"

"Were One Direction, you haven't heard of us?" Said Harry.

"Nope never heard of y'all" Responded Applejack

Harry started getting angry but then ate a snickers and calmed down. 😛

"We don't know how we got here actually" Said Zayn

"Well y'all must be very hungry, come on in we can make y'all an apple pie!" Exclaimed Applejack

Niall Whispered "I wonder if Big Mac and Granny Smith are here!!!!!" to Louis Excitedly

They came into the barn and their was Granny Smith napping in her rocking chair and Big Mac setting the table.

"Big Mac, meet One Direction, One Direction meet my big brother Big Mac" Said Applejack

"We know him applejack we love watching this sho.." Said Liam but Harry nudged him.

They chowd down on the pies and told applejack and her family they had to go.

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