How it began

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Flowers bloom with no regret
-Years And Years.




"Single barreled pump action bollock yogurt shotgun." Andy snickered as he styled green icing around the heart shaped cake.

Annie pouts and stared Andy. "You win." She rolled her eyes at him.

Andy pauses what he was doing and flipped her off. The cake had to be done and sent out today for a birthday party. Thankfully Annie had done the little hearts and cookies, so all that was left was the base.

Andy was a twenty three year old baker. His little shop was suited on a little street in the Republic of Ater, a small country on the other side of the equator. His shop had a good view of the castle and even though Andy would deny this a hundred times, he would stare at the large building

"How do you even know so many synonyms for dicks?" Annie asked as she grabbed a white cardboard box.

"I read a lot." Andy said with a shrug. "Plus the internet is a place with lots of information."

"So let me guess, you were bored and googled it?" Annie asked.

Andy chuckled as he finished icing the cake. Annie moves closer with the large tray of decorations and Andy began to style it.

"I plead the fifth." Andy replies as he tastefully placed the red hearts on the icing and the tiny cookies around it. Annie shakes her head and sticks in toothpicks holding a banner made from icing with the words happy birthday on it. 

It takes another fifteen minutes and everything was done. The cake was in the box and Andy had slid to the floor munching a red velvet cupcake.

"That's the last order for the day, right?"

"Yeah." Annie replied. "Would you get your ass off the floor?"

"Why? It's clean and I'm tired." Andy replied. "It's not like we have customers, the shop is closed!"

Annie also slid to the floor with him, a chocolate chip muffin in her hand. "This is the reason I work for you. Your pastries are fantastic, to die for, incredible. It hurt me deep in my soul when you came in second place for the Annual Ater Baking Contest."

Annie has been working for him for close to a year now. Before her was a lad named Liam who left for college. Annie had always been a fan of his pastries, she always came in and always ordered something off the menu everyday, each order different from the last. When she had come in for an interview as his assistant, she had confidently blew his mind away.

"Once the cake is picked up, we can go for dinner. I need beer and fries." Andy groaned, balling the wrapper and throwing it into the bin.

"I have to stop by my mum's. She said something about clearing out her closet and there's a pair of shoes I've had my eyes on since I was nineteen."

"You think she still has it?" Andy asked.

"Yeah, I saw it last weekend."

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